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I have been out of school for a few years so it has been a while since I've taken any of the sciences. As a result, I've more or less forgotten most concepts and have been teaching them to myself with the Exam Krackers books. I'm close to finished the books but am getting quite frustrated that I will go through the lecture feeling like I'm grasping the material, do quite well (maybe one or two wrong) on the "in-class" lecture questions and then proceed to totally bomb the "in-class" 30 minute exams. I can't figure out why I am understanding the basic concepts but not when they are in a passage; I can usually do fine on the stand alone questions. Any advice? Thoughts?


I write on August 20th and am quite behind as it is so I'd really like to overcome this so that I can get a decent score. I'm starting to lose hope!

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You should get better with practice. The more passages you do, the easier you will figure out what the 'hidden' concepts are. Obviously, once you know the concept being presented, answering the questions becomes a much simpler task.


There isn't any trick to it, but I would suggest you spend some time practicing your VR; as your VR score goes up, so should your PS/BS simply because VR trains you to read more carefully.

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the 30 minute exams are indeed tough, so don't feel bad.


have you tried writing any full-length practice exams yet? if not, i'd recommend doing so. write an aamc one -- pay for it if you have to -- and see how you do. my bet is that you'll see a big increase from your EK mini-MCAT scores, which should give you the confidence boost that you need :)

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Thanks for the responses.


I'm still frustrated, as I did the 2nd organic chemistry lecture today and got anywhere from 5/8 to 7/8 on the three different sections of practice questions and then proceeded to get a 9/23 on the 30 minute practice exam, which works out to a 4!


I'm writing a full length exam this Saturday. We'll see how it goes...

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Guest amar21

30min ek exams = good for concepts, bad for calculations... why? because alot of them require a calculator and manipulations of multiple equations..

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