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AUGUST 9 MCAT Thoughts?


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howd you guys find the test? I think i had a diff one than the ppl on SDN.


PS: was much harder than practice. Ran out of time which doesnt happen in practice.


VR: same as usual. There were passages on intelligence, history, wildness, holidays and some other stuff.


WR: easy, saw those topics b4.


BS: was a little harder than usual. There was some retrovirus inhibition thing i found hard. There was some hormone feedback one.

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PS: i would say it was a little harder than aamc and calculations were not long or difficult...i usually finished practice on time and same for this one

VR: not too much humanities, most had to do with science so kind of interesting.

BS: found it harder than usual...stuck on ADH and kidney passage

extremely exhausted by BS but then again I didn't do many full practice MCAT's

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I just finished my 1pm sitting,


BS: Really tricky IMO, required very little outside knowledge. Essentially another VR section.


PS: Ok, had a few tough passages. Namely the diamond and the magnetic field one.


VR: I think I did okay, I had trouble with the optics/painter passage though.


WR: One really easy essay and one WTF?


Overall: For a first time test-taker, the experience wasn't bad. Though, I probably should have studied less for bio - mostly wasted time.

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My thoughts on the test... I wrote 1:30pm in Toronto...


Facilities: Computers were old school and did have a slight flicker. The proctors were so nice though, very amiable. The earphones, I started VR trying to use it - but they sound weird. They totally block out noise (well not totally but close enough), and I wasn't used to using them... so I took them off. Besides the occasional person walking in and out of the room, overall, it was fairly quiet and a good atmosphere to do work in.


PS: About the same level of difficulty, if not a bit more difficult than the AAMC exams. I had maybe slightly more chemistry than physics... actually, it was about 50/50... I don't think it went too badly. Topics included gas laws, equilibrium, transition metals, inclined planes, fluids, only like 1 optics problem :D, and waves, oh and electricity.


VR: UGh. Let's not talk about this. The passages were LONG, the question stems were LONG, I had to guess more than I usually have to. I was falling behind and I rarely have problems with timing for verbal. It was hard. One passage read like an ecological research paper, so much information and they used the scientific names of the species and it was just really long and annoying. Not enough time man, sighhh.


WS: Not bad... topics included effect of technology on underdeveloped countries and whether "visual images" were a more accurate view of reality than words.


BS: Longer than the AAMCs. Usually, I"m really good with time for this section... but I found myself rushing because the clock was ticking down rather quickly. Ugh, had a lot of physio... not enough molecular bio, but I think I nailed the molecular bio that I got. Only 2 orgo passages - 1 annoyingly, forced you to scroll to the side of the page to look at this table... but you could never view all the data on the table at once. Really annoying. Like THX, I found a lot of it to be very verbal-like (especially this one passage on immunology). Topics included diabetes (physiological associations), immunological response, promoter bashing (although they didn't call it this - i.e. molecular genetics), biochemistry :D booyakah, typical orgo topics (random IR spec question) and that's about it...



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I wrote in ottawa at 1:30


I think i had the same one as Law


PS: i found it was ok..I had 15-20 min to go back and look through the questions and review..there were some weird passages for sure like something abotut he magnetic field one...otherwise it was ok compared to other sections


VS: i rather not say anything..yes the passages were LONG- liek 6-8 paras and long question stems...I wasnt sure of a lot of questions..did a lot of guessing.I hated this section..Was running out of time


WS: Was ok..same prompts as Law mentioned


BS: yA the orgo passage which required you to scroll from here to there was very annoying and took upa lot of time..maybe i was going slow on this one but i had 4 minutes left when i finished everything..wanted to go back for a few questions but couldnt...It was longer and harder than the practises for sure..

Atleast its done


Good luck to all those who are writing:) and definitely not waiting for Sept 12

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Ah, looks like I had the same version as Law and Radhika.


Law: I also had difficulty with the eco passage, not as much as the warhol one though. Regarding PS's optics.. hah I was worried about optics but the question was the easiest they could ask :)


And the orgo scrolling was really annoying.

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Well I just got back.


So this is the only time I'll mention the mcat again!!! :mad:

PS: started relatively easy, then ended being super hard (there was one passage where i was like wtf is going on... :confused: )


VR: well as everyone else said, it was nothing like a practice... it was hard and LONG!!! super long passages and the questions didnt have anything to do with anything ( i really dont think I did that well on this :( )


BS: usually my favorite, however it was very hard! I had alot of immuno quesitons (and loooooong passages too. wtf) and orgo was really really hard!!! but overall it was ok i guess... i was just so fed up at the end...


WS: uhhhh i had no inspirations (well i didnt practice writing so its expected)


overall, I was too stressed out... I should have arrived earlier at the center (I came in last and the guy was starting to shut down the comps while i was doing BS!!! grrrr)

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