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Suggestions on schools to apply

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Hi all,


I've completed the whole AMCAS application (including transcript, essays, etc.) and wanted to ask for some final comments before I submit.



UBC BSc (07) 3.4GPA (My last 2 years was 3.6)

Oxford MSc (08)


Research - 16 months at UBC, 4 months at Oxford (no publications yet)

EC's-ER volunteer (5yrs), job shadow (ICU, ambulance), UBC student society, student club (VP), World Vision volunteer, youth volunteer groups (Chair), piano/violin, theatre/drama production, photography/travel


Applying to:

Darmouth (MD/PhD + MD)

Duke (MD/PhD + MD)

Cornell (MD/PhD + MD)

Chicago (MD/PhD + MD)

UPenn (MD/PhD + MD)

Yale (MD/PhD + MD)

Wayne (MD)


Rosalind Franklin (MD)


Obviously, I'm not the best candidate out there. Am I competitively enough for Wayne/SUNY/RF?

Do you think a Masters in Oxford will help my not so good GPA+MCAT?

What about my research exp.?

I know it kind of (but not VERY) late to submit but any comments on MD/PhD selection in general? (research exp. more important than GPA/MCAT)


Thanks in advance. Any comments are appreciated.


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Hi all,


I've completed the whole AMCAS application (including transcript, essays, etc.) and wanted to ask for some final comments before I submit.



UBC BSc Microbiology/Immunology (07) 3.4GPA (My last 2 years was 3.6)

Oxford MSc Immunology (08)


Research - 16 months at UBC, 4 months at Oxford (no publications yet)

EC's-ER volunteer (5yrs), job shadow (ICU, ambulance), UBC student society (Vice-chair), student club (VP), World Vision volunteer, youth volunteer groups (Chair), piano/violin, theatre/drama production, photography/travel


Applying to:

Darmouth (MD/PhD + MD)

Duke (MD/PhD + MD)

Cornell (MD/PhD + MD)

Chicago (MD/PhD + MD)

UPenn (MD/PhD + MD)

Yale (MD/PhD + MD)

Wayne (MD)


Rosalind Franklin (MD)


Obviously, I'm not the best candidate out there. Am I competitively enough for Wayne/SUNY/RF?

Do you think a Masters in Oxford will help my not so good GPA+MCAT?

What about my research exp.?

I know it kind of (but not VERY) late to submit but any comments on MD/PhD selection in general? (research exp. more important than GPA/MCAT)


Thanks in advance. Any comments are appreciated.



Hey sisyphus,


I dont know much about MD/PhD programs, so heres my thoughts on the schools MD program in general and admissions....


I don't really know if it will be worth your time to apply to Yale, UPenn or Duke. Those are ridic competitive and you need a really good GPA + MCAT just to avoid being screened out. So I would recommend not applying to those schools-- IMHO. No offence :o


I dont really think a Master from anywhere will really "make up" for GPA+MCAT (again, dont really know about MD PhD). I think it'd be better use of your time if instead of Masters you did even more ECs (yours are nice BTW :) ) and dedicated some time to the MCAT. I'd bet if you gave it like 6 months of solid solid study, you can break 35. Unless you really love research and think you can have a huge impact.


MCAT is not the only thing, but I think if theres one thing that increases anyones chances at US schools, provided they have good ECs, is solid MCAT.


Thats what I'd say. Hope other peeps chip in. Gluck. ;)

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I really don't think you are competitive for MD-PhD. They generally have higher stats than the rest of the applicant pool. Your stats are actually lower than the MD matriculant stats (which are 31 and 3.6), let alone MD-PhD. If you are going to apply MSTP/PhD, I would at least focus on low tier schools. The people I see getting into Yales and the likes on SDN have 35+ MCATs and 3.8+ GPAs.....AND research. Research is the icing on the cake, when stats are the cornerstone of your application. I honestly don't see the point in applying MD/PhD (or even MD, with that MCAT as a Canadian) if you have a 27 MCAT. Unless you like to throw money around, rewrite the MCAT to at least 30 (although with that GPA, I'd suggest 33 to be in any way competitive) and apply next year instead.


EDIT: What's your Master's GPA? If that's high, that'd make you slightly more competitive.

EDIT: nevermind, looks like you haven't started it yet

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Yikes, I have a 3.8 GPA, 34 MCAT, years of research and a publication (possibility of presenting work at an international medical conference next year, but that will be long after interviews). With the exception of the last three, your list makes me scared.


Edit: This is my list this year (all MD. I'll probably get questions about why I'm not applying to MD/PhD, but at this stage, I'm certain research is not a high priority for me):


Albert Einstein








Medical College of Wisconsin

Michigan State


Rosalind Franklin





Wake Forest




There are a few top schools that I can't apply to since I haven't finished prereqs. I graduated with a BScE Engineering Chemistry, and didn't plan things carefully. I ran out of time to do English and Biochem, so I'm returning to do post grad this year.

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Thought I'd give some data to support my ramblings about MD/PhD being more competitive: 3.7 GPA and 34 MCAT vs. 3.6 and 31 for MD.




Love the last words of that pdf....



Be advised that most, if not all, joint programs are extremely difficult to get in to. Also, be prepared for very rigorous class schedules, since you will be completing two degrees, often simultaneously.

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Yikes, I have a 3.8 GPA, 34 MCAT, years of research and a publication (possibility of presenting work at an international medical conference next year, but that will be long after interviews). With the exception of the last three, your list makes me scared.


Edit: This is my list this year (all MD. I'll probably get questions about why I'm not applying to MD/PhD, but at this stage, I'm certain research is not a high priority for me):


Albert Einstein








Medical College of Wisconsin

Michigan State


Rosalind Franklin





Wake Forest




There are a few top schools that I can't apply to since I haven't finished prereqs. I graduated with a BScE Engineering Chemistry, and didn't plan things carefully. I ran out of time to do English and Biochem, so I'm returning to do post grad this year.


crap, your list doubled the last time i talked to you!!

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If I were you I would remove Dartmouth, Duke, Cornell, Chicago, Penn and Yale from your list because your MCAT is way below par at those places and it's just a waste of your time and money. I went to Cornell undergrad and a lot of my friends, including myself interviewed at these places and the competition is absolutely insane.


Try improving your MCAT to >=30

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I am in the same boat as sisyphus (3.4 GPA). However, I did re-write my mcat and do have one publication only.

If i do end up getting 33 plus, I am considering to apply to some US schools. Will I be competitive at some of the top schools? Also, is it ok to do your primary applicattion in mid-September? I think the deadline is october (i am not too sure since I don't know much about applying to american schools. If someone can fill me in that would be great)

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Submitting in mid-September is SUPER-late. Right now it's taking about 3 weeks for verification, and by September, it'll probably be worse. With a 3.4 GPA, I think you'd be better off applying next year, and EARLY. A lot of people with 3.7+ do not get in just because they submitted at the last minute. The worse your stats, the more important it is to apply as early as possible.



ETA: with a 33 and 3.4, you probably won't be very competitive at top schools, although if you have the $, it might be worthwhile to apply to a couple of top schools just so you can say "ok, I tried." I have a 3.54 from a respected US undergrad and a 32, and I applied to 3 "top" schools, but I'm honestly not expecting anything from them at all - it was more for myself to be able to say that I took the chance.

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They might appreciate the fact that you've tried but a minor improvment of a couple of points is not going to mitigate their concerns that you might not be a good test taker or can't assimilate large volumes of info quickly. The MCAT is nothing compared to the LMCCs/Steps and the Royal College is far worse so even if you eventually got accepted, you're going to have a hard time passing the boards.


I think you can have a good shot at a significant improvement if you put in some effort esp the new MCAT is a lot shorter and there're certain topics that'll be tested for sure.

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I just submitted mine yesterday which is kind of late I know...

I am rewriting my MCAT in Sept. Even if the rewrite is not significantly better, do you think the schools appreciate the fact that you TRIED to improve?

I ended up applying to 15 schools.


The AMCAS verification times are creeping upwards of 3-4 weeks right now...so you should expect it to be verified by September 15th. Get your secondaries in order because by the time you're complete at a lot of schools, it'll be october, which is definitely late in the game.

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hmmm What topics will be tested 'for sure'?


When I took it 2 years ago, I noticed that they love to ask the Rydberg equation and the Balmer, Lyman series on the Hydrogen spectrum in Physical and also the Sn1, Sn2, E1, E2, nucleophilic/electrophilic subsitution stuff in Orgo. They were many others which I can't remember. Just go thru' the past tests and you'll see.

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