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changes from the old MCAT (before 2007)


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the topics you HAVE to know are the ones on the AAMC website - the rest you don't have to worry about the topics that are not on the list, but I would still go over them and make sure the information is not completely new. It seems like anything could appear in the passage - it would be explained but most likely not very clearly. I had super weird orgo on my Aug 14th MCAT - almost no outside knowledge required but it was HARD. :P Just be ready for anything :P

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Hey Tan,


When you said you had orgo that required almost no outside knowledge, that seems to imply that someone who did not ever learn orgo could maybe just understand the passage and figure out the answers.... or am I totally interpreting you wrong?


Or do you just mean that basic organic chemistry understanding (e.g.. bonding, electron delocalization, etc. but not necessarily reaction mechanism knowledge) would be enough?


To be honest, I'm having a lot of trouble with orgo, so it being more passage based, even though it is harder, would prob. be a good thing for me...

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