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The Reality of Medical Practice in the United States


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I think its true that they teach "defensive med", since the whole system is heal who you can without getting sued. I know many family friends in the US who are doctors. Over there, the common public thinks all doctors are millionaires. Wrong, obviously, but what this leads to is suing the doctor for whatever you can.


One of my family friends went to court for trying to console a lady when someone close to her died by just putting his hand on her arm. She tried to sue him for sexual harassment. Like, f*ck off.


Over here in Can, the government's got your back for everything, so suing isnt a big issue.

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Over here in Can, the government's got your back for everything, so suing isnt a big issue.


I think malpractice is still a big issue in Canada, but you're right about the justice system. It's really f*cked in the US whereas in Canada, there's a huge disincentive to sue for the dumbest things because if you lose, I think you have to pay for the defendant's legal costs.

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