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2008 Official Rejection Thread

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Rejected pre-secondary from Wake Forest today. Funny, because for the longest time I couldn't decide whether to even submit my primary there since they seemed to reject people without rhyme or reason. Should've trusted my intuition and saved the $30! On the upside, I got secondaries from 2 other schools that reject people quite often, so it's all good.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmmm, I thought I posted about this already, but I don't see anything...anyway, got rejected post-secondary at Boston and Penn State. So far, I've been the only person on SDN to receive an actual rejection (not a hold).:D Boston was not much of a surprise given the # of applicants they get, but I was very surprised by Penn State.:confused:


Nobody knows what Wake Forest wants...don't even try to find a method to madness.

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Hmmm, I thought I posted about this already, but I don't see anything...anyway, got rejected post-secondary at Boston and Penn State. So far, I've been the only person on SDN to receive an actual rejection (not a hold).:D Boston was not much of a surprise given the # of applicants they get, but I was very surprised by Penn State.:confused:


Nobody knows what Wake Forest wants...don't even try to find a method to madness.


Care sharing stats & EC?

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I keep getting holds...got 3 to date. However, these schools have also been actively rejecting people, so getting a hold gives me hope. I'm not worrying unless I don't have any more invites on the day of my Case interview....and if I don't get into Case, and STILL don't have any more interviews, THEN I'll start freaking out slowly.:eek:

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I keep getting holds...got 3 to date. However, these schools have also been actively rejecting people, so getting a hold gives me hope. I'm not worrying unless I don't have any more invites on the day of my Case interview....and if I don't get into Case, and STILL don't have any more interviews, THEN I'll start freaking out slowly.:eek:


It's quite impressive that you got an interview at Case considering that it is a highly ranked school (at least according to US News), it's pretty clear that your non-academic factors are VERY strong. I think if you can really nail the interviews, you will get in somewhere.

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It's quite impressive that you got an interview at Case considering that it is a highly ranked school (at least according to US News), it's pretty clear that your non-academic factors are VERY strong. I think if you can really nail the interviews, you will get in somewhere.


LOL, thanks...I'm anxiously awaiting the Minnesota decisions, since I have ties to the state and a ton of friends there (went to undergrad in MN), but they don't even start looking at secondaries till October 15th. I'd say, based on location alone, it's my top choice. But I've heard Case is really great, everyone who's interviewed there seems to like it, so I'm quite curious. I actually applied there by accident, so it's quite funny that this is the only school to have given me an interview to date.:P:D

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When were you complete and when did you find out? I haven't heard anything from any of the schools that I am complete at.


How long have you been complete? It took me about a month to hear from BU and about 3 weeks from Case.


Then again, I was complete a bit earlier than you (my impression is that you submitted your primary a month or two after I did), and I think the times may vary depending on the point in the cycle. I think it also varies on how competitive your numbers are. I know Kenneth was complete around the same time as I was at Case and got an interview in 2 days, but for me, it took much longer, presumably since my stats are lower than his.

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These are my stats: 3.75 GPA, MCAT 8/8/8 R, lots of international experience, over 3000 hours of direct patient care.


The mcat was a blow, i didn't expect to do that bad, so i expect a roll of rejections.


I was complete in July-Aug in all schools, the only thing absent was the MCAT ( the results came sept 19).

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I agree Tan008, the BU rejection letter was v nice...it was up-liftinG!


Penn State's is the best.:P It's printed on really fancy paper and says that this rejection is by no means a reflection of your potential as a physician or medical student.:D



Someone on SDN said that a certain school sent out rejections letters a year or two ago that went along these lines:

"Dear applicant, this year we have received 7000 applications for 800 interview slots. You do the math!"


Yes, it actually had the "you do the math" phrase in it....:rolleyes:

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hey a41. I got rejected by BU too...

just found out i got rejected by pritzker. I am getting no love from the good schools. Guess i'll be heading to a middle/low tier med. :(


Sorry to hear about that, but it is their loss! What are your stats if you don't mind sharing? Also, when were you complete at Pritzker? Did they mail you or email?



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