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OOP admission

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As an OOP, will these stats be competitive at U of A:

3.6 cumulative (after removing one year)

3.8 pre-req GPA (I substituted some upper level courses for the requirements like chemistry and biology)

MCAT cumulative: 32N - The N is a killer

Strong EC's, decent research



I had a 3.9 cumulative and a 3.87 pre-req and the MCAT score they used was similar to yours but with a Q in writing, and I got rejected without interview. I had lots of research and strong ECs as well...


That N will really hurt since I think it means a 0/5 in WS. Getting a 27-28 would hurt less than that N - stupid, huh?

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I had a 3.9 cumulative and a 3.87 pre-req and the MCAT score they used was similar to yours but with a Q in writing, and I got rejected without interview. I had lots of research and strong ECs as well...


That N will really hurt since I think it means a 0/5 in WS. Getting a 27-28 would hurt less than that N - stupid, huh?


Oh, U of A looks at WS? Thank god, my T will be useful. *phew* I was starting to think it was useless to apply because both my stats are on the low side and the application is set up so that it highlights all my weaknesses and leaves me very little space to talk about my strengths.

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Im pretty sure that you cannot pick and choose which pre-req you would like to include for calculating that gpa. I applied last year and asked them to do that (because my 1st year marks weren't that great) but the lady told me that they take the 1st course that satisfies the requirement. IE. You cannot substitute an upper level course for one of the pre-reqs if you have completed a similar course before (Ex. 1st year bio vs 3rd year bio). That totally screwed me up and my pre-req gpa was about 0.3-0.4 lower than my omsas gpa. As expected, I was rejected pre-interview :P.

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are you sure about that? I was under the impression that they take the highest mark, and doing higher level courses can upgrade your prereq.


the website says: "To upgrade marks and have the course used towards your application, you would need to take a higher-level course and receive a higher grade. "

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