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I'm doing ugrad in the UK; do I have to also do 'pre-med'?

Guest lollypop8892

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Guest lollypop8892



I am currently doing my GCE Advanced levels. I am planning to do an undergrad in Pharmacology and Physiology in the United Kingdom,do i still have to do a pre-med?:P:P



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Guest Lurkergonepublic

Despite how some people like to brag that they are in 'pre-med' (or at least their parents do), all it means is that you're in an undergraduate degree program and are planning to apply to Medicine. As long as you are coming out with a BSc, that is the first key. Second, you need to make sure you have all the required pre-requisite courses. For that you're going to have to check with the specific schools you want to apply to, and make sure the courses you have will be considered as filling the pre-req requirements. Generally that's going to mean doing a year's equivalent of basic chem and bio, biochemistry, organic chem, English and stats - that will cover most places.


I'm unfamiliar with the UK system, but if you're doing Pharmacology and Physiology, you should be okay. Check official med school pages to be sure, and you may have to contact them as well for a question like this.


Good luck.

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Guest treehuggingbiologist

Why don't you just go into medicine in the UK right after your A- levels?


Yes, you'd have to requalify when you get here, but you would have an MD and wouldn't have to deal with all the stress of getting in here. Plus, the NHS isn't *that* bad.

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Guest arjuna83

Not sure if the OP is legitimate or not.


If you are sincere, are you a Canadian citizen/permanent resident studying in the UK? if you are not one of the above, your chances of getting into a Canadian medical school are very low since only a few schools accept International students, and that those school only allocated a few spots for those purposes.


If you are a Canadian citizen/permanent resident, you would be treated just like any other Canadian med applicant, which means you need to complete a minimum of 3 or 4 years of undergrad, depending on the medical school you wish to apply to. I did my a/l's before starting my undergrad in Canada so if you have any specific questions you can pm me.

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Guest canmic

Just to point out, there is such thing as a 'pre-med program' at some schools, McGill for one (they call it Med-P I think) where you do 3 years pre-med then start in 2nd year med and finish in 3 years. But you don't have to go that route to get into med.


At least that's how I've been told it works (by people who did it).

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Guest leviathan

Sorry to pour salt on an old wound, but pre-med could also be interpreted as your pre-req classes for med (eg. gchem, ochem, physics, bio, etc).

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