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autobiographic sketch question

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Hey, just wanted to bounce a question off you guys. On my sketch I have included my marriage and childrens births as an entry. I have done this because they are highlights of my life and obvious sources of pride. That said, do you think the schools will see this as fluff, or look down at these entries? (they take up 3 spots). I have many traditional entries I can enter, but have thought these were far more important. I have 2 additional EC I can enter as well as another volunteer. Let me know what you guys think.




still reeling from my 33Q, with a 7 in VR

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hmmm... so i take it you're not applying to queen's... I think including marriage and children's births is a bit of a risk. It could go in either direction; it definately won't go unnoticed, but whether the notice is a blaringly positive one or a blaringly negative one is up in the air. I mention Queen's b/c they'd give you an interview (had you made the cutoffs) regardless of your entries, and at the interview, i'm sure you could completely sell them on the importance of these events in your life. The more I think about it, the more it seems ok to include... unless you have other things that would look more impressive/meaningful on paper (and yes I know what in the world could be more meaningful than the birth of your children??) that's my opinion... i could be totally off though... good to get an idea from a bunch of ppl.

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