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Do the schools only look at the final cumulative GPA?

Guest CommerceStudent

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Guest CommerceStudent

I'm doing a dual degree concurrently right now and as a result, I'll have to input course info on Compass under 2 different degrees. Will the schools look at the final cumulative GPA of both degrees or will they actually look at the GPA for each degree? I'm just worried 'cause one of the degrees has a GPA in the mid 3s while the other has a GPA in the high 3s and while the cumulative GPA is good, the mid 3 GPA could hurt me.


I'm also concerned that since I'm dividing my courses between these two degrees, the schools will not recognize my courseload constraints (ie. I took 6 or 7 courses each semester but by splitting it up into the two degrees on Compass, it looks like I did less). Does anyone have any advice on how I can have my cake and eat it too? Thanks.

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Guest Elaine I

Why are you splitting the courses between the two degrees? Did you take them at the same university? If so, it might be more clear to put them down as the entry. In your autobiographical sketch, you could always indicate that you did two degrees.



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Guest aneliz

This answer to this question depends on the school in question...they all calculate GPA differently.


Check the OMSAS guidebook or the school websites or call/e-mail the schools in question for an answer you can be sure is correct.

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Guest CommerceStudent

I'd be looking at McMaster as my top choice. The way the dual degree works at my school, I have a commerce section and a science section on my transcript...some of the courses are registered under the science section and some are under the commerce section. Though some of the courses are counted towards both degrees, the mark only appears under one section and thus, it contributes to the GPA of only one of the degrees. However, since my science courses are significantly higher than my commerce ones, I have a degree is that 3.7 and another that is like a 3.9


I would consider putting all the courses under one degree and just making a note in the autobiographical sketch, but on compass I have to designate the degree as either science or business. Anyway, I will call OMSAS to see what they advise. Thanks

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