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waiting on November DAT scores

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hey all,

just thinking that its been a month since we took the november DAT. Waiting every single day for the results. I know its only been four weeks and there are atleast 3 weeks or more to go till we get the scores. I am just really worried about them. I cannot do anything about them but just pray to God for a miracle and that I get into dental school this year. The wait is killing me!


Anyone else feeling like they are going insane?

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nah, i'll be going insane after exams are done and we've already got our scores. B/c at that time, I'll be going over every DAT q in my head, getting mad at myself for not getting a higher mark...and constantly worrying about how those little screwups are looking to adcom's

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it usually takes about 3-4 weeks. Atleast three weeks for sure. CDA has a lot of requests to process ( as I have been told).

hope that helps.

I took the DAT last year and I believe I got the scores around december 17th ish, I remember some people got it in first week of January.

So it depends. All I know is that this is my only shot at Canadian schools and I need a miracle on these DAT scores to get in! Praise God, and I am praying for the best, anything is possible.


I also applied to american schools, got a rejection from NYU. Can you believe it? I called them and told em you dont even have my DAT, how is this possible? So I dont know whats going to happen to that.

Just praying that I get in somewhere.

ahhhh i just wanna die!!!!! the anxiety and the wait is killing me

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i never thought i had serious issues till today! I got up early morning thinking that DAT scores will be out soon. I was so anxious, I wanted to throw up. I am running and pacing and I cannot think about doing anything but worry. I know worry does not get you anything or change my scores but the sheer anxiety is s**t. I dont know what to do but wait and wait and wait, I feel like I am living the last couple of days of my life! this is sad. I just want to enjoy time with family and friends before hitting phase of depression, I dont know why I cant think positively like my other friends but it just seems like life is coming to an end! All my optimism and hope is going down the drain.

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oh and I'm tired of hearing about the DAT (don't get me wrong this is in no way targeting people who are making threads or posts about the DAT, it's just my inner anger spewing out) I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that when they hear about it, it makes them want to hurl, well at least it makes me wanna hurl. and the thought of writing it again :eek: it's as though I'm going to die. Death vs. re-writing the dat hmmmmmm :confused:

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dmd2012, i am sorry you feel so anxious. I am also worried but maybe not as much as you. Hope you get the scores you are hoping for. Just try to take it one day at a time and pray for the best.

I know its easier said than done.

Try to medidate or pray or do something soothing. Maybe call up your friend and hang out with them to get your mind off of things.

Go to the mall or something and look at the xmas decorations and the hussle and bussle may help distract you.

do you have a job? Are you taking the year off?

How about cooking? I have been baking lately, i dont know why but sweets make me feel good.haha but i make sure to hit the gym daily so i dont gain the worry weight.ahaha

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i wrote my first dat in Nov. I am really scared from the results cuz i wasnt really happy about the bio section and the reading comp... I am really worried about my results. However i decided that i will not open my cda letter if i recieve it before Dec. 14 thats when i will have my last final exam, because in case i get the results before that date (and God forbid i do bad on the DAT) i will be thinking the whole time abt my mistakes and whats went wrong with my preparation and i will do bad on my other exams which are also important for my GPA. although this may sound like a bad idea but i think its the only way that i can carry on with my study without being distracted by the dat.

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i wrote my first dat in Nov. I am really scared from the results cuz i wasnt really happy about the bio section and the reading comp... I am really worried about my results. However i decided that i will not open my cda letter if i recieve it before Dec. 14 thats when i will have my last final exam, because in case i get the results before that date (and God forbid i do bad on the DAT) i will be thinking the whole time abt my mistakes and whats went wrong with my preparation and i will do bad on my other exams which are also important for my GPA. although this may sound like a bad idea but i think its the only way that i can carry on with my study without being distracted by the dat.


doesnt sound like a bad idea at all, infact it is probably the smart thing to do, knowing your score a few days earlier (if it infact comes early) is not going to help you get in to dental school


good luck with exams

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Yah...i love that little Christmas present DAT envelope...it always makes my holidays...(note the sarcasm...hahaha) I'm just forgetting I ever took it, and then when it comes in the mail, that's when I'll start analyzing my situation. Don't trouble yourself with it now, focus on your exams/essays/projects, since at many schools grades are more important than DAT scores (ok..at least for UWO).

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Hm, I guess I am not the only one waiting for the DAT scores to be in the mail box.

I know it is still early, but I am checking my mail box daily and the worst part of it is that I am not even done with my finals yet. I have 3 more to go!!

I thought I did quite well after I took my Nov DAT, but as the days go by, I start to think I did bad for some reason. Is this a bad sign?????

I am so worried, and I sometimes have deams of getting low scores on my DAT!!!

Oh well, I guess the scores will be out in about 2 weeks?

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Hm, I guess I am not the only one waiting for the DAT scores to be in the mail box.

I know it is still early, but I am checking my mail box daily and the worst part of it is that I am not even done with my finals yet. I have 3 more to go!!

I thought I did quite well after I took my Nov DAT, but as the days go by, I start to think I did bad for some reason. Is this a bad sign?????

I am so worried, and I sometimes have deams of getting low scores on my DAT!!!

Oh well, I guess the scores will be out in about 2 weeks?


2 weeks? I thought they would be out in a couple of days!

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ya theyll roll in soon enough.

I honestly havent thought about them that much...but that could possibly be because all my mail goes to my grandma's house (where I pick it up once a month-ish), so I don't have to worry about checking a mailbox everyday.

goodluck on finals everyone

(I need a break from studying. Saturday, my athletic injury prof just straight up forgot about our final and never showed, so I had to make it up yesterday...and now I've been in the biblio for almost 8 hours cramming for espanol. jeeez)


haha I guess it seems like I'm taking a bunch of easy classes. Well I am. At least for this term.

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i just applied to NYU any idea whats their GPA cut off? i haven't sent them the application fees now i am thinking that i shouldnt send any. What things they are looking for? thanks


now iam waiting for my first rejection letter so dissappointed :(


Well, I don't know if this is a rumor or not, but I think I remember seeing that if you have a 3.5 or above, they accept you without an interview. Also, remember that NYU is on rolling admissions, so apply early in the year as possible!

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Well, I don't know if this is a rumor or not, but I think I remember seeing that if you have a 3.5 or above, they accept you without an interview. Also, remember that NYU is on rolling admissions, so apply early in the year as possible!


Hmmm, I think you are required to interview no matter what...

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