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I've read on past threads that the MSAR is extremely helpful when looking for and choosing what schools to apply to in the US. How essential is it to have the most recent copy. I probably won't be applying until Summer '09, so would it be critical to get the most recent copy when it's published in April? I'm only asking because my cousin has this years copy and If the #s don't change significantly year-after-year, I figured I might as well use his

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it's not that important. if it was a few yrs old then i'd recommend getting the new one. once you narrow it down to the schools you are interested in then you can check out their websites.


your university's academic advising/career ctr should also carry a copy.

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get a copy, doesnt need to be the most recent


but it will tell you which schools accept international applicants (which many people dont realize that state schools DO accept canadians)


it will also tell you which schools just want your money (i.e. they accept app;s from internationals, but did not interview any or accept any)


it will also give you a good idea of where you stand with regards to the school's average scores....


and all this without digging through websites for hours...


p.s. in the grand scheme of application costs, what is an extra 25$???

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