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I'm in my 4th year of an undergrad in human geography and I am aiming for med school in the future. I'm going to graduate in the spring, and next fall take a full course load of first year science a. so I have the knowledge to prepare for a pass the MCAT and b. so i can get pre-req's for schools, since I haven't taken any science in my undergrad.

I'm wondering if when med schools that say they calculate your GPA based on the last two consecutive year they mean of your degree, or of university schooling in general. ie. for these schools would be GPA be calculated based on my marks of 3rd and 4th year of my degree at Queen', or 4th year of my degree here, and my full year as a non-degree student? Further, is it a good idea to do this year? I need the science stuff for the MCAT and it's the only way to to get the pre-req's. I can't get them as part of my degree because I only have one term left and no room to take them.

Also, I did my 3rd year abroad. I got a full year's worth of credits for it, but they're all just 'pass' credits on my transcripts, no marks showing. As far as I can tell for most med-schools I wouldn't have to have these grades assessed into marks here...unless I've read the info wrong...would I?


I hope someone can provide me with some insight. It's nice to read about everyone else's questions and know that I'm not the only one going for med school on a not so traditional route.



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Can't speak for all schools, but Ottawa will only count years you did toward a degree in your wGPA. So...the courses you do outside your degree will count toward the prereqs but not toward your wGPA.

If you need that last year to boost your GPA and you are interested in Ottawa, I would suggest not applying to graduate this year and completing that last year while still registered for a degree.

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I just noticed u said that you can`t take them as part of your degree.

Just because you have completed the minimum requirements for your degree doesn`t mean you have to apply to graduate...you can take extra courses. I wonder if you could even work in doing a minor in bio or something like that depending on what prereqs you actually need and what your school's requirements are for the minor??

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I also was away at my third year at Queen's and I don't think med schools will look at those marks since you did it as a non-graduating student on exchange. I would check with the individual schools that you are planning to apply for. I applied for McMaster this year and they are only looking at my GPA for years 1, 2, and 4.

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