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Verifier hours discrepancy - Help!

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Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me with this: I got an email from UBC on Friday afternoon telling me that they identified a discrepancy of hours between what I told my verifier and what they told UBC. I admit, it was my bad because I forgot to check with some of the verifiers before I put down their contact info, but the funny thing is that UBC didn't ask me to contact them with any explanations. They just told me to be more accurate in the future and to contact my verifiers before putting them down. Furthermore, they didn't even identify who this verifier was. From what other people have said on this board, it seems like whenever UBC identifies a discrepancy, they are at least given a chance to explain it.


So my question is, were my chances for a potential interview significantly damaged with this apparent discrepancy? I felt that it was a little unfair that I wasn't given a chance to explain. I emailed them and am planning to call them tomorrow, but I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with anything happening like this before.


Thanks a lot in advance!

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When it happened to me I was given a chance to explain and it all worked out no problem - yes definetly call them and see what their deal is - you should be given at least a chance to explain - it seems so close to the time when they give out the interviews to be emailing you about this.

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Admissions web site just says, "discrepancies will be noted in your file".


My hope for you is that it was an honest mistake... if they are not asking you to clarify, it could be because your report and verified hours were only slightly off.


My gut feeling is they may have put a tiny flag up, and might check your other references.


There was also a section on the application last year for deductions (up to 2 points), and it's possible they knocked 0.5 or 1 point off your total.


Always a good idea to speak to your verifiers. I emailed mine everything I wrote, word for word, on the application... so that they can refer to it if they are ever contacted.


Hopefully you aren't burned by this. :(

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