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EU vs non-EU and other considerations

Guest PhantomPhoenix

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Guest PhantomPhoenix

I noticed that when surfing through the med school websites in Ireland there are 2 categories.


Is it any harder to make it as an non-EU...like how in canada the reserve seats for in-province students.


I have an EU passport so I assume I would pay the lower tuition fee in which case going to Ireland is probably going to cost me the same as going to some med school in canada.


I am in the process of finishing my bachelors next year and will probably apply for med school next year in canada. However, if I get rejected...I think I would rather just go to Ireland and not go through the whole application cycle here again.


My only drawbacks are....can I come back to canada to practice and how hard is it to get licensed to go the states.



Lastly....for the 5 yr program. What do they look at? GPA?

my entire bachelor degree?...specific courses..etc?



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Hi PhantomPhhoenix,


You may want to look through some of the old threads about the questions you ask, as I am sure many of your questions have been answered there.


Unfortunately, even with an EU passport you do not automatically qualify for reduced fees. Instead, it is based on where you have lived prior to your application. I can't remember the exact length of time, but I think you must have lived in Ireland for a couple of years prior to your application to qualify for home fees.





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Guest UTMed07

I can back up what j100 said above... they discriminate by geography.


The criteria for Trinity College Dublin are here. I'm pretty sure the other three schools have the same policy.

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