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Returning to Canada after U.S. Residency

Guest Mike84

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If I went to an Irish or Australian medical school then did a 3-year FM residency in the States, then wrote and passed the 4 Canadian exams, would I be able to then practice freely in Canada as a family doctor?


I know it's a long road, but I am just looking into the possibilities of returning to Canada. Since the FM residency in the U.S. is a year longer than the Canadian one, length shouldn't be a problem. Also, Ireland/Australian medical schools are acceptable in Canada. Lastly, having passed all 3 steps of the USMLEs, being licensed in the States, and then having passed all 4 Canadian exams (this includes the one for FM), would this then be adequate for getting a license to practice family medicine in BC?


Does anyone know if this is correct? I have an inkling that it is not so easy...perhaps there is a rural return of service thing you need to do, or maybe there are more evaluations, or maybe you'll only get a temporary license. I've tried looking at the official sites but can't find any more info regarding what happens to you after you've passed all four Canadian exams.

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