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Post Interview Chances??

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50% seems high on the outside looking in, but I remember myself being in that situation last year and I had calculated about a 40% chance post interview and even though that is still quite high, I really didn't think so when my future was on the line.


The other way to look at it, is 225 people who are extremely qualified were so close and didn't get in. Albeit, some of them will have other acceptances but that is still a startling stat.


Just keep your head up guys, no matter what anyone tells you, IT IS the best feeling ever to get that email. Good luck and see you all on interview weekend!



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I think that even tho the stats say that you have ~ 55% chance of getting an acceptance, taking a lesson from great applicants such as mcpherv and others on this forum should be a lesson that it is not an easy task or one that is to be taken lightly. Even 50% chance isn't so awesome when the competition is tight from applicant to applicant. This is especially true, in my opinion, of schools that select applicants for interviews based on ECs and achievements (Mac, UT)


Thanks Alastriss - I appreciate the sentiment, especially coming from someone who is themself a terrific applicant. These last couple of years as a grad student have been very rewarding, but I am very ready to move on and into medical school. You also bring up a very good point - this process is competitive enough that even a 50% chance of acceptance starts looking daunting when you realize just how fantastic all of the other applicants are.


50% seems high on the outside looking in, but I remember myself being in that situation last year and I had calculated about a 40% chance post interview and even though that is still quite high, I really didn't think so when my future was on the line.


The other way to look at it, is 225 people who are extremely qualified were so close and didn't get in. Albeit, some of them will have other acceptances but that is still a startling stat.


Just keep your head up guys, no matter what anyone tells you, IT IS the best feeling ever to get that email. Good luck and see you all on interview weekend!




Jectin, I feel exactly the same way right now - I am extremely happy to have another shot at this, but at the same time I am very nervous considering whats at stake here, despite what seem on the surface to be relatively favourable odds. This could very well again end up being my only invite (although UoT has not yet finished sending out invites), so there is going to be a lot riding on this one interview.

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I don't know if this sounds logical or not, but I think the post-interview chances at Queens/Western should be higher for people w/ stronger non-academic attributes. This is because you will be interviewing against people whose non-academic portions of the application have not even been looked at. So there are bound to be some people who have made cutoffs with their high marks/MCAT, but not much in terms of non-acdemic involvement.


Whereas, in Toronto/Ottawa, they have already screened out those individuals, in particular Toronto, where all the applicants picked have been carefully scruntinized.

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Yeah that sounds completely logical. If all you've been able to do during your university years is to manage to meet the academic cutoffs while doing very little outside of school, then that will become glaringly obvious during the course of the interview.

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I don't know if this sounds logical or not, but I think the post-interview chances at Queens/Western should be higher for people w/ stronger non-academic attributes. This is because you will be interviewing against people whose non-academic portions of the application have not even been looked at. So there are bound to be some people who have made cutoffs with their high marks/MCAT, but not much in terms of non-acdemic involvement.


Whereas, in Toronto/Ottawa, they have already screened out those individuals, in particular Toronto, where all the applicants picked have been carefully scruntinized.


Way to steal my theory lostintime!!!!

I mentioned this previously! It was that because people weren't selected for ECs then if you have good ECs you have a larger margin to outcompete others who got that interview without having good ECs experiences.

Mac for example, or even UT, have a selection bias because thats what a huge portion of ur pre-int score is based on..While my EC record isn't as rich as a lot, I feel like I have a lot of great and relevant experiences that I hope (fingers crossed) will help me move through the questions with ease.

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Way to steal my theory lostintime!!!!

I mentioned this previously! It was that because people weren't selected for ECs then if you have good ECs you have a larger margin to outcompete others who got that interview without having good ECs experiences.

Mac for example, or even UT, have a selection bias because thats what a huge portion of ur pre-int score is based on..While my EC record isn't as rich as a lot, I feel like I have a lot of great and relevant experiences that I hope (fingers crossed) will help me move through the questions with ease.


Ahaha..why don't we just call it "great minds think alike"? =P

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Heh, if we both get in, I'll fight you to death =P Otherwise, we'll have to sette on the fact that great minds think alike.


lol fair enough. Its just so nerve wrecking...sitting on 2 interviews and quite nervous about them. The competition just seems so stiff and the though of staying back another year isn't very pleasing.

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