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folk medicine scenario

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Dear premed101'ers:


While preparing for interview I am confronted with a scenario where I, as a family physician, is trying to dissuade one of my clients from using a Chinese herbal medicine because one of its ingredients is known to increase chance of stroke and is banned in Canada. What should I do?


I am fine with answering the question to as far as trying all I can to dissuade her. But I'm not too sure what I do afterwards. Since the actions of my client would hurt no one but herself, I thought that it wouldn't be write for me to report to the Health Board (unlike HIV+ husband confides in me not to tell wife scenario) lest I violate her rights and privacy. But should I at least make a note of this -- that the patient has used alternative medicine which could potentially pose life-threatening dangers to her -- in her charts?


Thanks for the help.



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I think your answer is sound, and a physician should definitely document that they have advised the patient of any potential risks, and that the patient is competent to understand the consequences of their decision and has chosen to proceed anyway.


However, I would delve a little further into the scenario - why is it that the patient is turning to alternative medicine? Does it offer something that she feels she is not getting through her family physician? Are there communication difficulties that lead her to downplay the risk of stroke?

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I agree with the above responses.


Hm...what about the store that is selling this banned substance? I would be considering reporting the store to the regional health board because of other individuals (whom may not have the luxury or convenience of consulting a physician) who unknowingly may be put at an increased risk of stroke due to their use of the banned substance.

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