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Guitar nails


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Hey guys,


I've been wondering if I need to be clipping my guitar nails for my interviews. I'm a classical and fingerstyle folk guitarist, and cutting them really affects my ability to play. Among other reasons, I play for about 3 hours at a home for the mentally ill every Saturday, and my longevity and quality of performance are both compromised for several weeks without my nails. I cut them for my U of O interview a few weeks ago and they've just gotten back to a usable state - and my Mac interview is on the 29th.


They're what properly maintained classical nails are supposed to be - maybe 2-3 mm at the longest. They're not vampire nails or anything. I know, though, that they can put some people off (particularly since I'm a guy). Do you think that keeping them could negatively impact my MMI? I know that I can't keep them when it comes to practicing medicine (particularly since I am drawn to surgery), but my music is a large part of my life. Not to mention that it's really painful to be fingerpicking a steel string folk guitar for 3 hours when your fingers are used to having nails (but I'm hardly going to let that stop me from my volunteering duties).


Anyway, I'm looking for some input. I guess to many non-musicians it would seem a no-brainer to cut them, but they mean a lot to me and cutting them has a significant impact on my life.



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Get a manicure so they look nice!


No nailpolish, but get them cleaned up or something.


Just an idea :)


I give myself a manicure (or should I say guitaricure?) every week regardless. They're very tidy and well taken care of, as a classical guitarist's nails should be. Still, I know that some people find it off putting to see a guy with nails.

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My brother in law had a similar issue with a job interview - his solution was to trim his nails right down and then, as silly as this sounds, he applied fake nails until his real nails grew back. They seemed to work well for him.


Also, I worked in a music store several years ago and recall seeing a nail type 'pick' that could be attached to end of your fingers. Wish I knew what they were called bec/ we only used them to scratch eachothers backs! *L*


I also like the manicure idea if you're not up to wearing 'fakes' for a week or so.


Good luck!

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I play the guitar too and just recently cut my nails so I definitely understand what your saying...fortunately I'm a girl so I can kind of get away with having longer nails (even if its only on one hand), but i'm not sure how people will perceive it if your a guy. Maybe you could mention to the interviewers what you told us about your situation, and explain that you understand you cannot keep them like this if you practice medicine, but at least for now, it shows them your commitment to your passion? (I would see it that way, but then again, I'm also in love with music).


OR you could chop them all off and do what my guitar teacher did recently when he broke a nail snowboarding...use ping pong balls haha...he cut them up and shaped them and glued them to his nails (like fake nails, except the sound is much nicer since they're not as thick as acrylic nails)...its crazy, but it works!

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