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fashion issue

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ok this isn't about clothing...it's more about hairstyle...haha i know it's superficial but if ur regular hairstyle is a bit too "kiddish"...what's a good professional looking hairstyle that isn't too dorky? haha


-wear glasses if you have them

-carry yourself well - your hair, suit, belongings, etc

-don't wear jewelry,

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Another pointless thread about ridiculous considerations. Come on guys! I really am not criticizing any of you personally, but SERIOUSLY. You are all such bright and wonderful people, focus on how you can make these sides shine out, not whether the puce or the violet tie/blouse is the colour for you. Dress professionally. If you are wondering whether something you are considering wearing is borderline, it probably is. Professional dress is really not that difficult. I have said here before, and I will say it again: If I am interviewing you, a shining personality, where you are knowledgeable and well-spoken, will go a heckuva long ways to helping you on the interview and might (just maybe) distract me from the fact that your shirt isn't my favourite colour or style. :rolleyes:


Word. :cool:

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I have seen sweater sets worn at med school interviews (not on the residency circuit though), and those applicants got in just fine. However, they did stand out a little bit as most applicants do wear a structured jacket. It's up to you as to what you feel more comfortable doing... if you are professional in appearance and manner, it shouldn't make a difference in the end.

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You do all make good points, and the super hypocritical thing about it is, I worried about the same crap before my interview. The only reason I make the comments I do is because having gone throught the process, come through the other end mostly unscathed, and been placed in the opposite seat, I realize now how little we (the interview team) think about such things. Aranndil makes a good point about subconscious decisions, and I totally think this is a realistic concern, but don't kill yourself on the interview clothes. It's really not that tough.


You want a HUGE, HUGE piece of subconscious advice for interviewers? I guarantee this works, even on me. Be positive when you come in that door to interview. If you come in and have control and look like you are upbeat and having a good time, you carry the interviewer with you. Even if they appear to not be coming along for the ride, look like you are positive and upbeat about the interview, and they will follow. Look worried, upset or uncomfortable, and I feel the same way and will mark you accordingly. It's first semester social psych.


Love you all, all the best!


Word. :cool:

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Ha I think for that to work I need to be either:

1) caffeine-high

2) sugar-high

3) natural high on a good joke or funny sitaution


Like right now, I'm laughing at something....I don't even know what (and no, I do not do recreational drugs haha), but oooo:

4) high stress!


I think if there's enough high stress, I can turn giddy and happy by delusion! Maybe I'll create a formula about this =D


But in all seriousness, I like that advice. I will try my best to follow it, even though I highly suspect it's easier said than done.

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Tallguy raises a great point...


I walked into every room of my MMI feeling like I was in control, I loved this and this is what I wanted to be doing for the rest of my life, and I was having so much fun... and even if it didn't make my interviewers feel better, it sure made me feel better! I left feeling on top of the world instead of downtrodden like a snail like I did for my first one.


Don't know how it worked out for me yet. Well, we'll see May 15, eh?


I think that's great advice as well! At last years MMI (my first), I basically walked in unprepared, under-dressed and unconfident; and it showed and manifested itself as a very low score. This year, I was very well prepared and confident, and I think because of that I had alot more fun with it. Despite having some pretty stone-faced interviewers, I think I was able to leave them with positive thoughts about me. So all in all I totally agree with aranndil, staying positive and being confident is huge. And What you said about "I walked into every room of my MMI feeling like I was in control, I loved this and this is what I wanted to be doing for the rest of my life, and I was having so much fun"; I think that definitely portrays a passion for medicine that I hope all future physicians have and thats definitely one thing I would look for in an applicant. Having a nice tie and a belt that matches your shoes is nice too though ~_^ (just to stay on topic with the thread)

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