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Guest Lorae

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When a person gets accepted to an international school, say Ireland or Australia, how do they work their loans??


Do they get Canadian government loans and lines of credit? or do they get lines of credit from within the country they attend?



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Guest GonnaBnMD

If you get accepted to an Irish medical school through The Atlantic Bridge Programme their office will send you a packet of information on the types of Canadian financial aid you are eligible for as well as the actual application forms. You cannot get student loans from Ireland. They won't make loans to foreign students. I had major problems getting my loans approved this year but the ABP people intervened on my behalf and got me my money. Hope this helps. Don't know about the Australian schools though.

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Guest redshifteffect

Okay couple of points here.


I'm from Ontario so I'm eligble for OSAP which is a government loan. But I think if you're from the US you can also get loans from Statford.


However as I've posted in a couple of other forums, the best thing to do if you do go to Australia is immigrate there first. Its a shame that I didn't do a degree before I came here but I think that this would have been the best option for me.


The thing is that if you do this you will be elligible to study med as a local student. This essentially means: 1) you pay upto $6000 per year for medschool 2) you can choose to HECS this, which means the gov't will pay for you, but you will have to pay them back the principle (interest free) when you start to work, as 2% of your salary if you choose to work/stay in Australia. 3) You can even get "welfare" or Youth allowance as it's known depending on your age after two years which is essentially upto $400 per forthnight....


anyway that way you won't have to rack up enormous debt

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest redshifteffect

Higher eductional contribution scheme...all this means is the aust gov't pays for your uni fees until you graduate. you only have to pay back the principal at 2% per annum IF you stay in the country

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