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Cost of Living in Cork

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Hi all, Just wondering if there is anyone here who's graduated or almost graduated from an Irish school (preferably Cork since thats where I got my acceptance this year). I'm making some rough estimates of what the total cost for 4 years would be and its looking too steep for me. Anyone who'd care to put up roughly what the total cost of all 4 years was (everything included)? I'm estimating the costs to be roughly $300,000 CDN after all 4 years are done! My parents can't help much , cause my sister is also starting university (undergrad this fall) in Canada. So, with the RBC LC ($150,000) and OSAP with a few grand per year, its all coming up well short of the amount. I would need at least another $100,000 CDN, I doubt I could make that amount working part-time?? Any other avenues besides the above and CanHelp for money?

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Actually you may actually be able to squeeze by if you work part time. The average income in Ireland is higher than in Canada ($45600 vs. $38200) so it is natural to expect wages to be much higher over there. Even if you worked for minimum wage, you could probably make a big dent in the 100k over four years. If you still have some left over, student credit will likely have to take the rest. Collateral? Smack the credit agent on the back of the head and tell him/her that you are going to be a doctor! :D


PS Also remember to go way on the cheap side (not much beer money) and maintain a careful budget (even less beer money). Best of luck!

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