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I'm at University of Sydney... here's some info or ask away

Guest Zansik

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Guest traveller4ever


no i'm not at u of syd at the moment. i have a deferral :)

i know i had to get my registrar to write a letter and get my research supervisor to write a letter as well.


yeah, USmedstudent provides a different viewpoint, but hey, who knows, maybe it's all partial truths/slanted viewpoints of things. i just take it with a grain of salt.


but the u of syd registrar said there are tons of canadians studying med there, so in due time will we see where they all go afterwards.

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Guest driedcaribou

traveller4ever: I know two people going to school down there: One in Dental school and the other in Medical school.


I'd be more worried about returning to Canada afterwards...


It seems tough but then again, I don't see how else Canada is going to fill their doctor shortage if they don't accept IMGs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest redshifteffect

To apply out of highschool it depends which province you are from. I applied from Ontario so i had the added benefit of doing OAC's which meant that in all the schools I applied to (England/Ireland) when I was given admission they knocked a year off my admission. However in Australia they will not do this no matter what you have done (in some cases even if you have done an undergraduate degree). (This is the case with Tasmania which is particularly stringent). Now the main thing with a highschool admission is decide where you want to go: ex. do you want to go to a big city? Then try Monash, Melbourne, and Uni of NSW (in Sydney). Also be careful Uni of Sydney and Flinders DO NOT accept students out of highschool so rule them out now. You can also apply to Newcastle (I believe) and Tasmania. However these are smaller cities and you may not like the lifestyle. Other important considerations, marks, tuition and cost of living. For the first (and I guess most important) Monash and Melbourne are the hardest to get into, they require about a 95% OAC average. While I believe NSW would be third, and then Tasmania and Newcastle (there are more unis but i'm not too sure about their admission policies). This wasn't a problem for me, as I got into all that I applied to. Next is tuition, as obviously being in a more isolated state Tasmania has one of the lowest tuitions. Thas was my main concern which is why I chose this Uni. You can get loans from all the governments (US/Canada). Finally cost of living is reasonable in Tasmania, but it depends what you are used to. Some things are very expensive such as foods, and electronics. Though rent is good, you can get away with paying 70-100 per week in rent. (Depends where you live). I can't speak for the rest of the states in Australia, sorry :( All this considered that is why I picked Tasmania.


Finally to apply the easiest thing to do is visit the websites. http://www.utas.edu.au go the the international students section do a bit of reading and fill out the appropriate forms. They require a few things but you should get an acceptance within a couple of weeks if you meet the criteria and provided they don't require an interview (required in cases where the marks are low).


Can't speak for the other unis but the procedure is the same.


email address of prof in charge of admissions: mike.maskery@utas.edu.au ask him all the questions you want.


Anyway see you later.

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Guest driedcaribou

redshifteffect: Do you know anyone who has completed their education in Australia and made it back to Canada sucessfully?


Also, what do you intend to specialize in?

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Guest redshifteffect

Yeah there have been reports of Family doctors training doing an extra two years in Newfoundland somewhere and then being allowed to practice. So it's possible.


I also read in the paper about some guy who was from the Carib. that is living in windsor and practicing in detroit.


I am not 100% sure what I want, but I really like internal med...so I might do that.


But if you want to come back to Canada i guess you haev to be realistic. As for me I'm not really considering Canada, I will either go to the US or stay here.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest driedcaribou

Is it true the University of Sydney doesn't have exams until the end of 2nd year???


What happens if you fail it?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest redshifteffect

RE: driedcaribou..


Hahah we at Tassie have cumulative 2nd year exams that count for 100% of your mark (well I'm exaggerating only 85% but that's still bad) so that means everything from first to second year is tested..funny you say that though cause we just got our results back for sem 1 and 15 out of 80 failed....


So what happens? Well we have a saying here "You're @#%$ mate"

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Guest driedcaribou



Holy crow. So do you get kicked out of Med school if you fail?


How does one keep up for such an exam???

Do they have tests throughout the year to insure that people are keeping up with the material???

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Guest redshifteffect

Honestly man,


It's hard enough to learn new material let alone refresh old stuff.


Well if you keep plugging away at it though you can kinda make links between things and then if you remember the general idea then you can at least get a pass.


Anyway I'm sure it's not as bad as it sounds. I don't wanna say it's easy but if you're not dedicated I doubt you should be studying medicine overseas (or in Canada) but if you are than I'm sure you'll be okay.


Honestly though it's really important to learn the basics so I guess this is a good way of getting it into your head.


Oh about getting kicked out here are the rules:

Most of the subjects in first and second year are full year courses. So if you fail anything in one semester if you can bring up your average enough in second semester then you could be alright (but this is not the case for every subject). If your overall marks are still below a pass within 2-3 percent they may offer you a supplemental paper, if you pass this you pass (well you get a "faculty" pass which is a stain on ur record but at least you can proceed). If your marks are too low to get a "sup" or you fail the sup then you must repeat the WHOLE year. If you fail this year again then you are kicked out of the medschool.


And no there are no tests. You might have 1 or 2 formative tests (don't count) if you are lucky but other than that it's a self directed learning approach...so it's not highschool where they spoonfeed you. That's why some ppl. fail.

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