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Doctor-Patient Ethics

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Suppose you (a doctor) see another doctor about a problem as a patient. Is it unethical for this doctor to later come to you as a patient?


I ask this because I was seen for something and bumped ahead of the lines to get it treated rapidly. It would be nice to offer this doctor an open door in case he ever needs rapid treatment in the future...

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I see nothing in this that would compromise the care to which you would give the physicians, his having helped you in the past means that you will just but that much more helpful and courteous to him.


I would say only when something has happened to give you a negative view of the person (say the patient at a previous date kicked you in the balls) because this may compromise the level of care you give to that person.

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  • 1 month later...
Suppose you (a doctor) see another doctor about a problem as a patient. Is it unethical for this doctor to later come to you as a patient?


Being a doc does not mean having LESS rights than a "normal" human being. I don't see the difference here with you buying an apple from Jack, and then he buys in turn an orange from you the other day.


It would be really ridiculous to qualify this as unethical, even more ridiculous than saying that docs must never make any jokes around.

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