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CaRMS letters

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I was just wondering, to get a reference letter for CaRMS, how well does the preceptor need to know you? I've been on several electives where the preceptor changes every 2-3 days, and you're not with one person long enough for them to get to know you well. Someone told me all you need is to let the person know in advance that you want a letter, and then, even if you only have 2 days with them, they will be more critical of your work so as to provide a fair assessment.


Should I ask someone for a letter after only spending 2 days with them? How has everyone else worked this out, especially for electives?


Any and all insight is much appreciated!

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I'm in the class of 2009 too and haven't done any electives yet, so take my opinion with a grain of salt...but perhaps if you're only spending 2-3 days with someone you could let them know you're interested in a reference letter early on and suggest that since they're only spending a few days with you that if they don't have enough to go on perhaps they could get input from the other staff/residents too (you could even suggest some names if there is a resident you've spent a lot of time with??)? Perhaps someone ahead of us in training could comment on that idea.

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Yeah, I'd agree being totally transparent with your motivations early on. Sometimes you don't have to announce that you will want a reference letter right away, but I would make it clear that you are interested in that specialty and location from day 1. Then schedule a meeting afterwards and always ask "Do you feel comfortable writing me a STRONG letter of reference?"


It's nice to work with the same preceptor, and at times beneficial. Some of my friends in the surgical subspecialties arranged specifically to work with the program director/department head in order to get known. That said, in some specialties like ER, you may only work with someone for a few shifts before asking them for a reference too.



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