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How mandatory is orientation week?

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I can tell you that dental students take the same orientation week activities and we were told that if you miss out, you fail o-week. I had the opportunity to attend a conference in Munich that would have required missing the first 2 days of o-week and Dentistry told me I will fail.


Assuming Med treats o-week the same way, you need to show up.


PS. Lectures start Friday and you see the cadaver that day too!

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Ya you have to be there for orientation week; I think there were a few sessions that were useful.


The best part, though, is getting to meet your second year buddy. I'm sure the first years will roll out the red carpet for you guys. They'll have lots of helpful tid-bits of info on how to make it through first year without losing all of your hair...


And as for the rest of o-week, you'll be told not to touch your patients sexually and other such critically important information. I suggest drinking heavily to pass the time...

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You have to go and you should - it's a tonne of fun and it's a great way to really get to know the people you will be spending the next 4 years with.


Hey Poolboy, I read your blog entry on how to survive first year with a family. Thanks for writing it. It's very inspiring. I particularly like how you said to treat med school like an 8 to 4 job and to schedule family time in. I don't have kids, but I am married and have a household to run.

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