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personal statement

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It's a define yourself type of thing. If you google it online you could probably come up with some old ones people have written. Also you school library might have a book about writing personal statements (including those for med schools).

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Well, it is said that


"Use the space provided to explain why you want to go to medical school.

Some questions you may want to consider while drafting this essay are:


Why have you selected the field of medicine?


What motivates you to learn more about medicine?


What do you want medical schools to know about you that hasn't been disclosed in another section of the application?


In addition, you may wish to include information such as:


Special hardships, challenges or obstacles that may have influenced your educational pursuits


Commentary on significant fluctuations in your academic record which are not explained elsewhere in your application"


I just basically see it as

1) why I want to be a doctor

2) why I am qualified to be a doctor

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i used a story to open my personal statement, and got many positive comments..... just make sure it is not some cheezy story like "when I was 10 my grandmother died and after that I knew I wanted to be a doctor"


If you're going to tell a story, make sure its something interesting, make sure you tell it well, and make sure it says something about either your character, your qualities or your motivation for medicine.


My personal opinion is that you should always "show" not "tell".... telling a story about a special connection you made with a resident at an old folks home as a volunteer, for example, would be much more interesting than saying "working at that old folks home was an extremely rewarding experience...."


Bottom line, the people reading your essays have seen it all, so make yours STAND OUT.

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