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Treatment of Summer Courses at U of S

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Hi there.


I'm wondering whether U of S accepts pre-requisite courses (e.g. organic chemistry, biology etc.) taken during the summer as legitimate credits. I understand that every university in Canada, at least to my knowledge, accepts summer courses for their credit value, but few (i.e. mcmaster and queen's) take the grade achieved into consideration when calculating one's GPA.


I would greatly appreciate clarification on how the admission team at U of S looks at or treats summer courses.



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I think you're correct. I've taken physics 111.6 during the summer instead of during the year, and my mark was not factored into my admission average. Some friends of mine have also taken english in the summer as well; so I don't see why you couldn't take other courses in the summer (i.e chem or bio). However, I'm sure that you simply won't be able to take ALL your pre-reqs over a bunch of summers. There's probably some limit as to how many pre-reqs you can have taken in summer session. It'd be best to contact the college and ask them directly.

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