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to Roycer and Aranddil

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I find it funny that some random person had to create a new account just to tell off two of the regulars. Wow to have balls man. I know aranndil (I think) well enough to enjoy her opinions, I don't know why someone would mess with her. On the other hand I don't see much of roycer, so i can't say if he/she is a good person or not, although I doubt he/she eats babies or anything

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It looks like this thread is about done, but I thought I'd add my 2 cents anyways.

Yes, they post a lot. No, their comments are not always adding anything valuable to the thread (though sometimes they do).

But here is my comment:

Roycer and Arandil:

I hope your commitment to medicine and to your patients is as great as your commitment to PM101.

If this is the case, then post away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Noplanb i hate your name and signature


although i tend to hate things that are true.


Sorry GatewayMD,

About my name choice. I didn't choose my username because I was extremely confident about getting into a school. I chose it because I signed up for PM101 while I was deciding what I was going to do if I didn't get into med school this year. I realized that my plan b,c,d,e... was to keep reapplying since no other profession was as interesting to me (I'm sure many of you can relate). So I chose the name out of exasperation (I wish there was a "mood music" option on this forum). If you still hate it....well.....Meh!

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I've been lurking this site too long. You two really need to stop posting. Forever.


Thanks for your attention.


Ohhh ic what you did there. Everyone, it appears that Babaganousche has solved the mathamatical identity prooving that babagan = d. Good job.

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Ohhh ic what you did there. Everyone, it appears that Babaganousche has solved the mathamatical identity prooving that babagan = d. Good job.

2012FTW: I hope you get in just based on that comment.....It took me a while to get it too even though I am apparently a Mathematics major.


Anything else to add babaganouche......?

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  • 1 month later...
hahah i cant blieve this thread exists! I think we should create one for Law and ... well the other ppl... lol


I can't believe this thread . . .arandil has been the most supportive person on the forum since I joined (like three weeks ago)! Thanks.


as for babgan . . . lay off the sauce buddy!

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