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how long for secondaries to arrive

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I also got some questions about secondaries:

1) Is there a timelimit to how long you have to work on a secondary?

2) Is your secondary incomplete until your letters arrive?


1) only for some schools. most have no time limit.


2) yes it is considered incomplete until letters arrive.


I would also like to know how long it takes for secondaries to arrive. A week? A month? Or does it vary by school?


it varies by school. some i got as soon as i clicked the "submit" button on my amcas application, while others took a few weeks.

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Hey, for those of you that have your primaries verified already, how long did it take? My primary was submitted June 9 and transcripts were received a few days after so it's been around 3 weeks. I thought I had submitted early but I'm getting impatient:(


As an aside, I realized after I submitted that I forgot to add "and lab" to my courses that included labs. I called them and he said that wouldn't delay it, that they would just fix it. Could this be what is holding it up?? (I know..stupid stupid mistake...)



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Hey, for those of you that have your primaries verified already, how long did it take? My primary was submitted June 9 and transcripts were received a few days after so it's been around 3 weeks. I thought I had submitted early but I'm getting impatient:(


As an aside, I realized after I submitted that I forgot to add "and lab" to my courses that included labs. I called them and he said that wouldn't delay it, that they would just fix it. Could this be what is holding it up?? (I know..stupid stupid mistake...)




Have you got any? Mine was submitted on June 24th.

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Apparently, these secondaries have been sent to individuals already. Follow this site to learn more: http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=530082


Baylor - Prompt - LOR

Boston - Prompt - LOR

Brown - Prompt - LOR

Columbia - Prompt - LOR (it's posted online)

Cornell (Weill) - Prompt - LOR

Creighton - Prompt - LOR

Dartmouth - Prompt - LOR

Duke - Prompt - LOR Will start sending secondaries by mid-July at the latest.

East Carolina University (Brody) - Prompt - LOR

Emory - Prompt - LOR Will send secondaries by the end of July.

Florida International University - Prompt - LOR

Florida State University - Prompt - LOR

George Washington University - Prompt - LOR (It's posted online)

Georgetown - Prompt - LOR

Jefferson - Prompt - LOR

Johns Hopkins - Prompt - LOR - e-mail (it's posted online)

Medical College of Wisconsin - Prompt - LOR

Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) - Prompt - LOR

Mount Sinai - Prompt - LOR

New York Medical College - Prompt - LOR

Ohio State - Prompt - LOR

SLU - Prompt - LOR

SUNY Downstate - Prompt - LOR

UCLA Will start sending secondaries in Mid-July, according to website

UCSD Will be start sending secondaries in mid-late July, according to the office.

UCSF Might send you a secondary 3-10 weeks after they receive your AMCAS, according to website

University of Buffalo - Prompt - LOR



University of Central Florida (UCF) - Prompt - LOR

University of Chicago (Pritzker) - Prompt - LOR

University of Cincinatti - Prompt - LOR

University of Connecticut - Prompt - LOR

University of Illinois (UIC) - Prompt - LOR

University of Kansas - Prompt - LOR

University of Kentucky - Prompt - LOR

University of Louisville School of Medicine - Prompt - LOR

University of Maryland - Prompt - LOR

University of Miami - Prompt - LOR

University of Michigan - Prompt - LOR (e-mail invitation)

University of Pennsylvania - Prompt - LOR

University of Pittsburg - Prompt - LOR

University of Rochester - Prompt - LOR (e-mail invitation)

University of South Florida - Prompt - LOR

University of Washington - Prompt - LOR

University of Wisconsin - Prompt - LOR

University of Virginia - Prompt - LOR

UT Southwestern - Prompt - LOR Website is still down, but prompt is available.

Vanderbilt University - Prompt - LOR Will start sending secondaries (and simultaneous interview invites) the 3rd or 4th week of July

Virginia Commonwealth University - Prompt - LOR

Wake Forest University - Prompt - LOR

Washington University in St. Louis - Prompt - LOR (It's posted online)

Yale University - Prompt - LOR (It's posted online)

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I've got 6 out of 12. Do schools send out secondaries to all of their applicants?


The wait is really irritating me. I want to send out all my secondaries in one batch.


Most schools send out secondaries to all applicants. Others schools screen AMCAS applications and only send secondaries to selected applicants. This information should be available on the school's website and is definitely in the MSAR.

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