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Q: Are there any American med schools like Queen's and UWO?

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Honestly, from a medical student's point of view, you have less than 1% chance in getting into ANY medical school in Canada, US, or even Carribbean. I've been reading your forum for almost a week now, but you are still sitting there asking people the question, "do I have hope?" just to comfort yourself.

First off, hi. Secondly, if you've actually been reading then you would notice that I'm actually trying to see all the possible roads up ahead to be able to map out the next 10-15 years of my life with contigency plans. I'm sorry but you come in here in the same thread that I just said I'm not looking for a shoulder to cry on but instead that I'm looking for some informed replies claiming to have spent a week reading up my story only to tell me that I'm looking for that shoulder to cry on.


Stop asking people if there is any easier alternate way to medical school because THERE IS NONE. We ALL worked VERY hard to be where we are right now, so don't try to accomplish something with minimal effort.

If you really did read anything that I've posted you would know that I addressed this at least twice with the same user because, like you, they couldn't make the connection that researching and asking for options, pathways to med school, and just tapping into the general public's knowledge pool for a plan for the future does NOT mean I'm looking for the easiest way in. For like the 5th time, I've already acknowledged that others have worked hard all their lives to get to where they want to be and I never intended to cut in line. But my question has always been if med school was still possible for someone like me and if so then I'm willing to work hard for it but I need to know how would I go about getting there.


FIX YOURSELF. Personally, I do not think you have the quality because I know you lied to your parents for 5 years. You think "honesty" is not important in medicine? THINK AGAIN, because they will see right through that quality of yours during the interview. If I were to interview you and knew who you were, then I would reject you with no hesitation or any regret. The world does not go as easily as you want. So stop posting questions here until you show some improvements.

That's great that you know that I lied to my parents (by the way, I love how you underlined that for emphasis ^^). Hmm, maybe it's because I told everyone in the very first post? And yes, honesty and integrity are definitely important in medicine without a doubt. I was depressed and stressed beyond belief and even that's no excuse. I have screwed up. But don't go on your high horse and tell me you've never screwed up once in your life.


I honestly don't see a problem with me asking questions for all my options. I'm potentially investing another 10-15 years. Just this week I learned about DO med schools in the States. Had you posted a week earlier and I listened to your "advice" of just get out there and do something then I may never have asked the question and may have never found out about the DO option.


For someone that claims to have spent a week reading my story and through all these posts, your entire post has already been done and said before. If you've got nothing to contribute then just don't post here man. I'm not forcing you to spend that week to read my story.



It's cool man. But yeah, like Madz said, the States are rather tough with their pre-reqs. Much more than Canadian med schools I'm finding. Some Canadian med schools are actually pretty laxed about it. I forget which ones, but some schools only have "recommended" courses and there's one I think that you can skip the pre-reqs by doing MCAT only admission.

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Hey, StellarRay.


Someone I know got into Western University of Health Sciences (D.O.) last year. She told that there are about 130 allopathic (MD) schools and 26 Osteopathic (DO) schools and both are treated almost equally in US (not sure about Canada though). But again, they all look at your overall university grades (above 3.5), and require written MCAT. So I think you have better chance with few Canadian Schools (Queen's, Western Ontario, Ottawa, and Dal). Oh, and keep in mind that UBC looks at the trend of your education, so if you show progress and meet their minimum (70%) then you should be considered as competitive. I know because my friend (who has known me for 16 years) got into UBC with 71% overall this year (applied after 7th year! No, he didn't go to grad school). He had stellar EC's, showed gradual progress in university, scored 33S on MCAT, etc. So don't worry! There is still a chance.


I gotta admit - as above poster stated, you should start preparing for the MCAT test. I've written it twice but still didn't score a competitive mark (26Q on first attempt and 28R on second). You have few years to prepare for it, so I highly suggest you to start with it. But yea, I can't believe how a medical student studying at one of the most prestigious schools in Canada can be THAT discouraging. Sure I don't want him to be MY doctor :D

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I'm sorry but you come in here in the same thread that I just said I'm not looking for a shoulder to cry on but instead that I'm looking for some informed replies


This is where you're wrong.


If you were here looking for informed replies, your threads would go like this;


StellarRay: Hey guys, [insert question here]


PreMed101: Hey Stellar, [insert answer here]


StellarRay: Thanks!


Instead, they go like this;


StellarRay: Hey guys, [insert question here]


PreMed101: Hey Stellar, [insert answer here]




I'll give you a minute to pick up on the difference.


The first is seeking advice, the second is seeking support and consolation. But it doesn't get[i/] you anywhere, especially not to medical school. You're seeking immediate gratification.


Want to prove me wrong? Don't post anything stating how depressed you are or how hopeless you are, and only post here to a) ask questions, B) express gratitude for questions and request further clarification, or c) update us on your progress/answer other peoples questions. Notice that d) make sad faces and tell us how long it will take you and how hard it will be to be a doctor or how bad your situation is blah blah is not an option.


If you don't like that, then admit that you're abusing the system and find somewhere else to get your support.

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I have screwed up. But don't go on your high horse and tell me you've never screwed up once in your life.


First of all, I am not on my high horse telling you that I have never failed in my life. Obviously you are only taking things way too negatively. You have no idea what I went through before I got accepted by few medical schools. My father deceased when I was in undergrad, and had to take few years off to support my 3 siblings and my widowed mother. At least YOU have a father to be honest with and seeing you lying to your family just makes me mad. I literally screwed up pretty bad for 2 years when I went back to university, but I learned to accept, be responsible for myself, and to move forward no matter how difficult my life was. After being rejected to all medical schools I applied to for 3 years, I finally got an acceptance letter from McGill and Queen's with cGPA 3.62. So don't you dare say I achieved what I want without any sacrifice.


There is nothing wrong with screwing up few times in your lifetime. Including myself, a lot people here got messed up at least once before getting into medical school(s). I've NEVER said that failures will end up as failures. You can always fix errors, and that is whats so great about life. But it is only possible if you are able to accept your mistakes and be honest with yourself (and other people around you).


But look at you. You are putting yourself in a more difficult position by not acting ethically. Don't you think your parents DESERVE to know what you have put yourself into? Did they not pay for your tuition? Weren't they supportive? You dishonored not only yourself, but your family. You think you can become a doctor in the future? I think not. You can't even be considerate with your own family, and how can you be with those whom aren't even related?


Be responsible for your action. Don't make things worse (there is a reason why many people here things of you as a "troll"). Becoming a doctor demads a lot more than you know, and I'd say you aren't even close fulfilling those requirements (honesty, responsibility, optimism, etc). So I'd say stop posting threads on this forum, go tell your parents EVERYTHING they deserve to know, straighten things up with your life, and show some improvements. Until then, I'll only remember you as a whiny failure who couldn't even take responsibility for his action. Period.

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StellarRay I know you mentioned that if you do DO that you might specialize...well you wont because the only choice you will have in Canada is family meds, DO's can only be GP's. Theres no short cuts here. Look at DO med schools tution, I think their one of the highest.

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This is where you're wrong.


If you were here looking for informed replies, your threads would go like this;


StellarRay: Hey guys, [insert question here]


PreMed101: Hey Stellar, [insert answer here]


StellarRay: Thanks!


Instead, they go like this;


StellarRay: Hey guys, [insert question here]


PreMed101: Hey Stellar, [insert answer here]




I'll give you a minute to pick up on the difference.

My original post (aka StellarRay: Hey guys, [insert question here]):


Just putting this out there, as I've asked this numerous times in the other oh so popular thread but no one's yet to answer me on it. I'm not all too familiar with American med schools but from what I've read the difference is that when we apply to Ontario med schools it's through OMSAS and for American med schools it's through AMCAS. Is there any particular reason why Canada doesn't just have a nationwide program like AMCAS?


Anyways, the main question (as the title eludes to) is if there are any med schools in the USA that accept students based on their "best 2 years" or "last 2 years" as Queen's, UWO, and Dalhousie do here in Canada?


Given my circumstances, I would very much like to know all the possible med schools that I can apply to... kinda scary for me right now to realise that possibly my only shot at med school lies within these 3 schools. Besides, I think speciality training in the USA is shorter and they get paid nearly twice as much as a Canadian physician doing the same thing. But before I get blasted about the monetary aspect... I am not looking to go into medicine for that reason but the disparity in salaries was just something I found interesting to note.


Thanks again guys

Your first post in this thread (aka PreMed101: Hey Stellar, [insert answer here]):


If you keep saying that, yes.


Have you ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy? Saying something tends to make it true, psychologically. If you think you'll never get in, you'll never get in. If you think you can, and make an effort to get in, then you have a good shot.


You KNOW that you have a good shot at Queen, Western, and Dal if you can get two solid years (~3.8+) under your belt. You know this, because we've told you before. Right now you're just stuck in a rut, because it's easier to mope and have "oh, cheer up stellar ray, you still have a chance :)" than to take the steps to actually have that chance. It appeases your need to know that your situation isn't hopeless WITHOUT ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING TO MAKE IT BETTER.


Yes, you've ruled out a lot of place. But you still have a shot at quite a few schools, and step 1. is going out and fixing your situations. It can be as easy as going and volunteering at a local hospital, taking a leadership role at a job or club, anything.


So go out there, right now (at the next reasonable hour), and get something done, and stop posting here until you have something new to post about. We're not going to hold your hand. We're not going to stroke your bruised ego.



So if you didn't catch that, I made this thread just to ask about American Med School options and specifically if any American Med Schools had an alternative route of entrance like the Canadian Med Schools (ie Queen's or UWO and their "best 2 years"/"last 2 years") because I'm worried about having only those 3 or 4 Canadian med school options.


But instead of answering anything I've asked, you tell me about how I have a shot at those 3 or 4 Canadian med schools. Again. It's not like I didn't know about having a shot at Queen's or UWO because I obviously do if I'm asking if American med schools have something similar to Queen's or UWO in the same post.


It's like you didn't have anything meaningful to contribute but you wanted to take a stab at me anyways.


So if you wanted to use your model example:


StellarRay: Hey guys, [are there are any med schools in the USA that accept students based on their "best 2 years" or "last 2 years" as Queen's, UWO, and Dalhousie do here in Canada?]


FrontierPsyc: Hey Stellar, [you have a good shot at Queen's and UWO.]


StellarRay: ...


FrontierPsyc: Stop being a lazy *****. We (because I speak for everyone) are not going to keep babying you.


Yeah, thanks man...


First of all, I am not on my high horse telling you that I have never failed in my life. Obviously you are only taking things way too negatively. You have no idea what I went through before I got accepted by few medical schools. My father deceased when I was in undergrad, and had to take few years off to support my siblings and my widowed mother. At least YOU have a father to be honest with and seeing you lying to your family just makes me mad. I literally screwed up pretty bad for 2 years when I went back to university, but I learned to accept, be responsible for myself, and to move forward no matter how difficult my life was. After being rejected to all medical schools I applied to for 3 years, I finally got an acceptance letter from McGill and Queen's. So don't you dare say I achieved what I want without any sacrifice.

I feel sorry for your lost and honestly I can't imagine what a mess that must have been academically for you to have to drop out of school to work to support your family. But no where in my post did I ever accuse you of not having to sacrifice or work hard to get to where you are.


But similarily you can't just assume what I'm going through. My parents barely speak english, they can't even compose a simple email without help, and my mom doesn't even know how to turn on the computer. Yes, they deserve to know and I plan on telling them. But I'm also the professional here about my parents and I know best what they would do. And frankly, it's easier for me to plan out my life without them "helping" me by screaming in my ear, throwing things around, telling me what a mistake I was, and possibly evicting me. They wouldn't be able to help me. That's why I'm on these forums asking questions. So I can take what options I have for med school then ask academic counsel what's possible. Then check with the other schools. Then check with finances.


There is nothing wrong with screwing up few times in your lifetime. Including myself, a lot people here got messed up at least once before getting into medical school(s). I've NEVER said that failures will end up as failures. You can always fix errors, and that is whats so great about life. But it is only possible if you are able to accept your mistakes and be honest with yourself (and other people around you).

Well, your last post was pretty much the complete opposite of what you're posting now so alright then..


But look at you. You are putting yourself in a more difficult position by not acting ethically. Don't you think your parents DESERVE to know what you have put yourself into? Did they not pay for your tuition? Weren't they supportive? You dishonored not only yourself, but your family. You think you can become a doctor in the future? I think not. You can't even be considerate with your own family, and how can you be with those whom aren't even related?


Be responsible for your action. Don't make things worse (there is a reason why many people here things of you as a "troll"). Becoming a doctor demads a lot more than you know, and I'd say you aren't even close fulfilling those requirements (honesty, responsibility, optimism, etc). So I'd say stop posting threads on this forum, go tell your parents EVERYTHING they deserve to know, straighten things up with your life, and show some improvements. Until then, I'll only remember you as a whiny failure who couldn't even take responsibility for his action. Period.

Read above.



That's cool that your friend got into a DO school. I know that all American med schools consider your cGPA but the DO schools allow you to retake courses and they'll accept the higher mark is what I've been told. So literally, if I'm getting this right, I could restart my undergrad from scratch and retake everything and if I do well then I could apply to DO schools.


So like, for MD schools, I'd have to keep working against my past horrible marks whereas with DO schools I can replace the past marks. I think.


But thanks for the headsup, I've already taken out my orgo chem textbook and begun studying it again.



Hey again,


I've already said that it's not a problem if I have to practice in the States (they speak Canadian down there too y'know but with more lawsuits is what I'm hearing). But are you sure about the specialization of DOs in Canada is limited? From what I read on the SDN forums, DOs are essentially the same as MDs for most places even overseas (ie China, England). I think the important thing as a DO is to get a placement in the AGGME (or something) residencies which are basically the MD ones.


All I know is that American MDs and DOs both have to usually do boarding exams to get to practice in Canada. However, Sask and PEI don't allow DOs (which isn't a huge problem since I don't plan on ever going there).


But again, I wouldn't mind applying for a Green Card (that's the card I want right?) to work in the States.


Right now, I just don't know if I should:


1. Start a new undergrad entirely, possibly in something easier or that can lead to work


2. For DO school purposes, to re-take all my undergrad courses that I did badly in. Basically to restart my old undergrad degree from scratch.


3. Just finish up the last 2 years of my current undergrad degree and use those years to apply to the 4 Canadian med schools.. however, I'd be at a disadvantage as an Out Of Provincer for both Sask and Dalhousie leaving only Queen's and UWO with slightly better chances. Thus why I'm inquiring about American med school options.. ^^

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No, my other post is not the complete opposite of what I previously posted. I clearly mentioned that you should "fix yourself" before you attempt anything, and what I wrote in 2nd post only elaborates it.


So you are scared of parents yelling at you? You are worried that they would affect your future performance? Well, think of it in their point of view. Have you thought of what THEY have to go through without being informed about your academic progress? While they invested few 10 grands for your education, you responded to their sacrifice by being extremely arrogant. Harshly saying, you cheated on them.


You screwed up. But that's ok as long as you are capable of cleaning them up. But I can only guarantee you that all these things will become repetitive if you don't take full responsibility for yourself. Call you parents, and tell them the truth. Take it if they yell at you. Then move out from city, and relocate yourself somewhere where they can't see you. At least you told your parents the truth, so you can just move on. Come back after you actually accomplish something. Just tell them how guilty you are over the phone once or twice a month and try to regain trust from them. It's going to be a long procedure, but it is going to worth it.


If you decide NOT to be honest, then screw it. I will only hope not to meet you as a doctor and patient.


PS: Am I really on my high horse, telling you that I have never failed in my life? The context of that statement you made could mislead readers to wrong direction. Think before you write so that I don't have to write a whole page about my past issues.

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Stellar, you forgot the part where you said.


Even if I retook courses, it would take a lifetime to just repair the damage to my cGPA, wouldn't it?


I've ****ed up any chance for med school in the States and most of Canada, haven't I?


You skipped this part. That goes before my post. That would be the asking for sympathy part I mentioned. I wasn't taking a stab at you. I was just pointing out that if you keep saying you have no chance, you probably don't.

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Your options are few. Your GPA is too low to boost up even if you did another degree. Your GPA will still haunt you if you do a masters (can you even get into a masters? Most schools look for 3.0-3.3+).


If your last two years are decent/good, you have a chance at UWO and Queens I suppose. But I really wonder if they would give someone acceptance with a GPA lower than 3.3 overall, regardless of the last two years (just an opinion/thought, not a necessarily a fact).


I don't want to sound like a jerk but this is simply my honest opinion: Personally, if I had a 1.37GPA I would really start to reconsider if I was cut out for medicine.

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So if you didn't catch that, I made this thread just to ask about American Med School options and specifically if any American Med Schools had an alternative route of entrance like the Canadian Med Schools (ie Queen's or UWO and their "best 2 years"/"last 2 years") because I'm worried about having only those 3 or 4 Canadian med school options.



Alright boys and girls, I think it's time this thread gets wrapped up before people get sidetracked to talk about their personal lives / other people's personal lives / personalities etc...

Question: Are there American Schools like Queens/UWO that take the best two years?

The Answer: NO


Thanks for playing

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artic monkey:

And the award to the most pointless point goes to... >_>'



Please get it through your head man... I do plan on telling them and I do plan on moving out. Right now I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to do about school, work, and a place to stay instead telling them first and just "relocating" after everything's a mess and chaotic. This has been discussed ad nauseum in the other thread. Please just keep it in the other thread too. There's like only 3 people on this thread that have actually addressed this thread's original post.



Asking if it'd really take a lifetime to repair my cGPA I think was a valid question. The latter one was a little about hopelessness but also about the truth and harsh reality that I face. However, it was still ironic that you didn't answer my thread's question at all when you're the one giving me the "minute to pick up on the difference":


If you were here looking for informed replies, your threads would go like this;

StellarRay: Hey guys, [insert question here]

PreMed101: Hey Stellar, [insert answer here]

StellarRay: Thanks!

Instead, they go like this;

StellarRay: Hey guys, [insert question here]

PreMed101: Hey Stellar, [insert answer here]


I'll give you a minute to pick up on the difference.


When really..

StellarRay: Hey guys, [are there are any med schools in the USA that accept students based on their "best 2 years" or "last 2 years" as Queen's, UWO, and Dalhousie do here in Canada?]


FrontierPsyc: Hey Stellar, [you have a good shot at Queen's and UWO.]



Well, elaine (an admin/member on this forum) was in a very similar situation (GPA 1.50 i think? 0.51 in her final semester?). But she managed to pull herself together, explored and fell in love with paramedicine, tried the MCAT 3 times, almost made the Dean's list off by 0.2 GPA, and in the end she got offered admission by 3 schools and is currently studying medicine at Queen's. So it's not impossible. Just really unlikely and the reason why sometimes I wonder if I were to do everything that elaine did.. would it really still be a large part based on luck when I get to that stage 4 years from now?


Also, according to what I'm reading from the SDN forums, the DO medical schools in the States allow one to retake courses and use the higher grade of the course instead of averaging out the mark between the retake and the previous marks for that course. So if that's really right, then I should be able to re-take all the courses I did horribly in and basically redo most of my undergrad degree. Of course they'd still see my previous marks but hopefully my phoenix rebirth would be a good thing and not a bad one?




Anyways, guys, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop bashing me especially if it's off-topic. Just contribute to the thread if you've got anything. If not, just forget about it. Who knows, maybe someone else needs this info and unless they're really bored I don't think they'll care to sift through all this drama.

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Hey, StellarRay


Don't listen to other mindless people in this forum because I find most of them very discouraging. As for your question, no. There aren't any US schools that only looks at most recent/best 2 years. They ALL look at your overall university grades, unfortunately (based on what my friend said...She's in D.O. right now). So I guess that eradicates your option :(.


As I suggested previously, go for Athabasca. That is the best solution I can give you right now. Moving out to Saskatchewan sounds like another option, because USask only looks at 2 best years. Optaining a residency status at Sask gives you more chance (expanding your option of Queen's & UWO to Queen's, UWO, AND USask).


Just wanted to give you a word of encouragement :D Good luck on everything you are planning to do.

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Guest Wildboyz

Damn, I missed the fun. :(


I ignored this thread completely because I saw everyday it would be up on the top of the list and the answer to the original poster's question is so simple.

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  • 8 months later...
Solution 1.


Do undergrad for 40 more years. That should dilute out your 1.37. This way, 3.9999999999 is definitely possible.


This thread is a bit funny lol, even tho I got an organic final tmr I will finished reading all the posts.

Well the answer to the OP is NO, there arent any.


Btw Somber your math is a bit off still, even if he does 40 more years of undergrad and lets say 4 years each and he gets 4.0 on all of them he would still end up with 3.761 GPA according to my calculation and still a "bad" GPA for ontario med schools. My point is, the option for OP is obvious, study your ass off to pull a 3.9+ for your last years and do a stellar MCAT or at least meet the cut off's of Western and Queens then apply for those 2 schools in Ontario. Also to OP, you also have option at Dal and Sask they both look at your last or best 2 years so in the end you have at least hope at 4 schools!!! that aint bad. Give up your hope in the US cz like Somber said (with my correction) even if you do 40 more years of undergrad assuming u get 4.0 on each degree u obtain, it still wont cut it.

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