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Switching between VFMP and IMP

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I was told that it was not allowed. I was originally offered IMP but asked to remain on the waitlist for my first choice and was offered a spot in VFMP 2 weeks later. However I would suggest contacting admissions as they might be willing to make exceptions for a case such as yours.

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-- begin top-secret transmission --


Despite UBC's claims that admission to a particular site is binding, in order for a North American medical school with multiple sites to receive accreditation from the LCME, there must be a process by which students can switch sites.


In fact, site switches at UBC Med have indeed been done in the past for less compelling reasons.


They are made much easier, though, if you can find someone in the other site who is willing to exchange places with you. But even if you can't, talk to the Office of Student Affairs anyways and someone you might not know of may also be interested in switching. The process involves jumping through many hoops, but yes, I can assure you it has been done, more than once.


-- end top-secret transmission --

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