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Interview Preperation?


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I'm probably going to read over my applications and essays, and read about the school from their website. One question that kinda bugs me though, some schools like to ask "Why our school, why our city". These questions I find are quite hard to answer, especially since it is more like the school choosing me instead of me getting the chance to choose schools. Has anybody come up with a decent response to these kinda questions? besides of having some relations/background to the city of course.

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I was wondering what you guys plan on doing to prepare for your interviews?


you have anyone to practice with you? preferably, someone intimidating. Someone who you feel will judge you.


You could find some girl you like and ask her to help you. lol that would probably be the closest to the real thing. Actually, you will probably be more self conscious than the real thing. :P

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> Know your AMCAS and secondary responses inside out. Make sure you can elaborate at length and in detail about anything you mentioned, because you can be sure lines of questioning will stem from these essays

> As mentioned by Madz, go over the SDN database of Qs. Some schools ask the same questions year after year.

> Have canned responses that you can deliver naturally for the obvious ones you know will be asked (tell me about yourself, why medicine, why us, is there anything you like to add etc etc etc). There are actually quite a few of these you should work on, so do a lot of brainstorming and prep work. It will serve you well.

> Read the school's website...all of it. Know how their curriculum works, what the mission statement is, unique aspects about the program etc.

> Have some "go to" questions that are intelligent...you'll look stupid if they ask if you have any questions for them and you say "no".

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