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Setting up a user generated question bank for med school

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I think this may have some potential... I've been wondering for a little while if (& how) it could be used at Ottawa... Basically, it's a system that was designed to optimize long-term memorisation for things such as learning a new language. It's also been used for many other things, some med-related.


You can create a personal questions database, or a group one - either available to all or, as I understand it, only to members you allow (there are some already set up, but none I found very useful for med). The idea is to visit the database often. The system will ask you questions (ie from a list you created), and you answer on your own (ie on a sheet of paper). It will then show you the correct answer, and you click on either that you knew it, didn't know it, or almost did. Optimal revision happens when you almost remembered... there's no point in reviewing something you know already, and it's better not to wait until you forgot it entirely either. Users create a profile, and when they do, the system will create an individualised repetition algorithm for the student, based on his/her answers to "Knew it", "didn't know", "almost knew" (will ask those you know much less often than those you don't, & will try to time them to get the "almost knew" answer as often as possible).


Anways, if ever you're interested in collaborating, maybe we could come up with some way to make it work for our respective school.

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Hi RestlessMedicalPhysicist,


I'm the creator of QuizMD and I'd like to hear a little more about your project to see if there's any way we can team up. Do you have any experience with web development? I wrote QuizMD from scratch in Ruby on Rails.


What school are you at?


Unfortunately I have very little time now that clerkship has started and I haven't worked on QuizMD for a while, but the material keeps rolling in from multiple sources.



Dan Kozan

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