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Any 4th year here faced rejection? Share your story with us...

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I know this is a very personal topic but I'm sure it'll be helpful for many to know how to deal with this possibility. I've faced rejection after finishing my 3rd year, so I fell back on my 4th and last year of my degree. I'm an IP applicant with a soon-to-have degree under his belt, and I hear the prospects are much better for this cycle. But if I fail this year, I don't know if I'll have any self-esteem left to apply again :confused:. So share your story with us and tell us what you did to make life your b!tch.


Md Applicants: http://www.mdapplicants.com/viewprofile.php?myid=11021

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It's a bitter compliment, :).


Seriously though, start practicing your interviewing. I guarentee it's the only reason you didn't get in last year. The insecurity you're giving off right now probably didn't help. You could probably have a reasonably poor (bottom 40%, if not more) interview and still get into U of A this year, so stop panicing.


Edit: On topic, I'm kind of nervous too. I'm an above average applicant but I'm taking a handful of very challenging but interesting courses this year so I doubt my GPA will be through the roof and I don't want it bringing me down should I have to apply next year. I love school so I don't want to have to spend a year off working even though I'm sure it would improve my app. Give me some love, U of A/U of C.

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I too freaked out in 4th year and was ready to pack my bags to leave Canada. But then spring rolled around and life was good.


This year will be stressful because of med apps. But don't be too hard on yourself. Chances are with stats like those you are fine if you are a social person and have good intentions etc.


Good luck!

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Lawl, I'll take that as a compliment; but there is so much more at play than GPA and MCAT most of it we have no control over (interview ahhhh!).


Make sure as well that the people who provide you with reference letters have verified that they are able to write an excellent reference for you! If not, that can sure hurt your chances...

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