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Anyone writing in Jan 2009?


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oh man, assignments due already? did you get a chance to work on essays / references before or do you have to start everything now? BTW, just so we aren't completely hijacking this thread, I wrote the MCAT in January last year and it is doable if you use your time wisely during the holidays - but that is very difficult since it is right after school exams. Also, right after I wrote it I had two exams on the Monday (I wrote it on Sat) and I'd imagine that would be the case for a lot of people.

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Yeah, assignments already. I am honestly being killed. I have been working on references, but not the essays. It's alright, I am going to have absolutely no life for 2 weeks and will get everything done. I gotta just stay motivated.


I'd rather not write in January, but I want to be able to apply to the states early. Quite the dillema, anyway, I'll try to hold my pessimism back and wait for my score lol.

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I'd rather not write in January, but I want to be able to apply to the states early. Quite the dillema, anyway, I'll try to hold my pessimism back and wait for my score lol.


Do you know if any other month in the spring would be too late for the earliest applications? I'm not sure I'll be ready for January, but I'll make it happen if any later will be too late!

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Just got off the phone with my good friend Barack Obama... yes, he is indeed writing the test for me. 45T here I come!


I think it'd be wise to have him write the WS and VR only. I doubt he'd be good in other 2 sections. But then again by January he'd be the President, so they will have to give him a 45T.


What's his wife doing in late January anyway? May be she can write mine? :D

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