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Schools in the States that look at Last 2 / Top 2


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Hi all,


So, I'm actually starting out on this long road to medicine after a rough engineering degree right now at UWO to try and go for Queen's, Western and Dal, but I'm actually wondering, if there are any American schools that do the same thing, and if they are friendly with Canadian students. Meaning, not a total crapshoot in getting in, as I wish to make sure they have no funny requirements regarding course loads and stuff.


Anyone have a list handy?



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Check out the American MD schools threads on this forum:)


Hi all,


So, I'm actually starting out on this long road to medicine after a rough engineering degree right now at UWO to try and go for Queen's, Western and Dal, but I'm actually wondering, if there are any American schools that do the same thing, and if they are friendly with Canadian students. Meaning, not a total crapshoot in getting in, as I wish to make sure they have no funny requirements regarding course loads and stuff.


Anyone have a list handy?



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None of the Canadian friendly schools that I know of (sticky can be found in the applying to US forum) have these formula's for calculating a score for your MCAT or GPA. They look at your GPA and improving trends are considered - one thing about the US schools is that you can really off-set your GPA if your MCAT score is high. I'm talking 3.5 GPA with a 35 (high BS and high VR are important) with some of the schools, with a very good list of ECs and good interview you'll get in. The schools that have lower entrance GPA averages tend to really emphasize on your ECs.


There's no formula's for ranking - the US is not as rigid as Canadian schools. If you make a mistake (still to be avoided though) you can still contact them and make a correction, if there's extenuating circumstances, it is not uncommon for you to be in touch with the dean of admissions, as the year progresses and you have another EC to add to your profile, they welcome these updates. Canadian schools, you have to follow the rules that are black and white - no if's, and's, or but's!!

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