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Gahhhhhh............ I Hate Exams!!!!!!1!!!1


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Lol at retsage, that is exactly what I am doing for micro!!

for this int'l dev course, I'm going to just study the crap out of a few sections that are big and then just choose the questions that test those questions on the exam :D ftw. I was really looking forward to doing nothing this break but apparently I need to prep extra for NYU since some interviewers were apparently high stress.

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Lol at retsage, that is exactly what I am doing for micro!!

for this int'l dev course, I'm going to just study the crap out of a few sections that are big and then just choose the questions that test those questions on the exam :D ftw. I was really looking forward to doing nothing this break but apparently I need to prep extra for NYU since some interviewers were apparently high stress.


I think I might start preparing for some of the Canadian interviews too. I will also be spending time in the lab. :(

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Lol at retsage, that is exactly what I am doing for micro!!

for this int'l dev course, I'm going to just study the crap out of a few sections that are big and then just choose the questions that test those questions on the exam :D ftw. I was really looking forward to doing nothing this break but apparently I need to prep extra for NYU since some interviewers were apparently high stress.



What? High stress? What? Why? Ugh. Annoying.

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I dunno Retsage, most are laidback, but a few people said there were some high stress interviews. So will prep harder and challenge all my answers, which is basically me continusing finding an answer for a string of "why's" and "how so's" to the initial answer. Agh. Pullin an all nighter for a 7 pm exam it seems. I hate undergrad. Big mistake on my part to come back. UGH!

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I dunno Retsage, most are laidback, but a few people said there were some high stress interviews. So will prep harder and challenge all my answers, which is basically me continusing finding an answer for a string of "why's" and "how so's" to the initial answer. Agh. Pullin an all nighter for a 7 pm exam it seems. I hate undergrad. Big mistake on my part to come back. UGH!


5th years FTL. I feel ya man.

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I dunno Retsage, most are laidback, but a few people said there were some high stress interviews. So will prep harder and challenge all my answers, which is basically me continusing finding an answer for a string of "why's" and "how so's" to the initial answer. Agh. Pullin an all nighter for a 7 pm exam it seems. I hate undergrad. Big mistake on my part to come back. UGH!


don't regret it man

i didn't come back and deeply regret it... if i had done that extra 5th year, i would have made the cutoff for queen's and western

now, i have no chance at western and barely a chance at queen's


of course, taking that year off after undergrad and traveling/teaching was most def worth it. but i don't think med schools look at it that way

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don't regret it man

i didn't come back and deeply regret it... if i had done that extra 5th year, i would have made the cutoff for queen's and western

now, i have no chance at western and barely a chance at queen's


of course, taking that year off after undergrad and traveling/teaching was most def worth it. but i don't think med schools look at it that way


Yeah but I never needed the boost in marks, well I could, but not really. Haha my strategy paid off! studied the crap out of a few sections and then chose to do them on the exam :cool: I feel my positive trend GPA is simply due to knowing how to write exams nowadays.

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I hear ya Alastriss!


I haven't received any more interviews since Sept 16th. Three months and no new leads. I've sent several letters-of-interest and still .... nothing.




On the bright side ... Christmas break is almost here :)


Only thing standing between me and catching up with some videogaming is 4th year Organic Chemistry and Astronomy! loool


The end is nigh! :)

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Yeah but I never needed the boost in marks, well I could, but not really. Haha my strategy paid off! studied the crap out of a few sections and then chose to do them on the exam :cool: I feel my positive trend GPA is simply due to knowing how to write exams nowadays.


totally. Writing an exam is a fine art. Very much like the MCAT. You can know everything and still do poorly because you don't understand the format.


Its kinda like when I took that history course. I had never taken a history course before and I did abysmal. I wasn't used to the format. Apparently, in history a 'brief paragraph' is a page!

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Yeah exam writing is an art. It was like this time I predicted that the long answer questions for a specific exam would be a bunch of signalling pathway questions. Given the time constraint of 50 minutes and the number of long answer questions/ m/c, I predicted all the right signalling pathways. What else can be easy to put down for a lot of marks :D.


I hate what I've become.

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Haha, cue the conversation about Queens thought police....


I've had years where I've done poorly and others I've done really well. While I'd always rather have good marks, going into an exam with an 84,86,89,91 and marks of that nature combined with a memorized GPA chart in my brain leads to tonnes of pressure to hold the respective GPA category or try to get to the next one.


So while I should be happy (and in reality I am) to go into a final with an mid 80, I miss out because I'm stressed over getting an 84 vs. 85.


The grass is always greener I suppose.


As the title says, Gahhhhhh........... I Hate Exams !!!!!1!!!1

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Totally OT but I need to vent.


Schools understand that we can't pull straight As when we're interviewing once a week on average, right?


I mean, right now, I'm trying to cram for an exam tommorow and another on Friday........in Newark airport. (Let's not even get into how much of a genius you need to be to schedule interviews during exams). I've missed most of the lectures for this course the past month and there's just not enough hours in a week to make up for everything.


How good do our grades have to be, exactly?

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Totally OT but I need to vent.


Schools understand that we can't pull straight As when we're interviewing once a week on average, right?


I mean, right now, I'm trying to cram for an exam tommorow and another on Friday........in Newark airport. (Let's not even get into how much of a genius you need to be to schedule interviews during exams). I've missed most of the lectures for this course the past month and there's just not enough hours in a week to make up for everything.


How good do our grades have to be, exactly?


No worries, this whole thread is OT.


Regarding your prob. I wouldn't be worried too much. It sounds like you will make it in this year. This years grades won't really count for anything as you should get acceptances prior to finishing the year. Just make sure you don't fail. :)

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Funny how this cycle makes you go haywire. I let this whole semester fly me by and i don't know where it all went.


I feel so much changing in me. I am going to take things slow from now on and enjoy life. I am going to be hearing back from GWU relatively soon and I am not nervous or anxious as i would have been, which is great. All you can do is just try your best and hope for the best. There IS more to life than med school, and soon enough I am realizing how I neglected so many things in my life thus far.


You live only once. You don't want to remember these years of your yo.uth as filled with stress.


Token you have it down. You know, I was cramming for a big exam worth 100% last year. I was so nervous and I just was in my lab for my thesis studying at like 7 am (exam in the same building at 9 am - it was a makeup). The custodian there is a buddy of mine asked me if I was ready, and I said no not really. He said that I should stay calm and be ok, because I wouldn't be in this position so far if I didn't know what I was doing. The class eventually became the highest mark.


You are cramming in Newark because you were interviewing at a med school. You are cramming because you have been interviewing at top notch school. You are where you are right now because you know what you are doing, and with an attitude like that you will be stellar in the long-run, regardless of how good or how bad the short run is or seems. A few more days till its home-made food and hanging out doing nothing!

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