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I was at my family doctor the other day..I was talking to the doctor and he asked me what are you taking at university? I replied I am trying to get my science degree and try to get in medical school.


His reply was being a doctor is not the best job in the world. He said you really have to know why you're in medical school. He was telling me about how he encountered this situations with Indian individuals who don't know why they have chosen medicine as their career since their parents have in a sense forced them from an early age.


He went along saying that money in medicine is not that good. He said if you really want to make money you should go and work for one of the drug companies!!

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I don't know about the rest of what he said, but I can say that I know a few students in my classes (I am in high school) who when I asked why they are going into medicine it is becuase their parents want them to. They have no say in their future career, which I think is extremely unfortunate.

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