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Med students, what was you highschool average entering University?

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  • 8 years later...

Someone in my class went to a rural high school and had between a 60-65% average. His teachers had all but written this person off. This person is now one of the brightest students in our med class.


Never underestimate your ability to work hard and achieve your goals.

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High school is a joke and grades are irrelevant. Anyone could wipe their ass with a piece of paper hand it in and get a decent mark...


If you did the work you should get into any university you feel like in Canada... It has little to do with ability...


Where people really get sorted out is in years 1,2,3,4 of university....

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High school: 74% or so.

University: 3.78/4 GPA, 3.96 AMCAS


So far, I have a seat in the US that I am seriously considering. I'm also an applicant in Canada for this cycle.


In my opinion, high school doesn't mean anything - it's how you react to being in university that matters.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I smoked crack and had 9 illegitimate children. Drank like a fish too. Failed grade 10 twice. Graduating avg: 54% I also smelled like root beer all the time.


See, I couldn't get into medical school because it asked my high school average on the application, and it just screwed me over. I had to go to one of those fake schools down on one of those islands somewhere, and fellate plenty of people to do it.


So don't let anyone tell you that high school average doesnt matter. It's ALL that matters. If youre not ufcking the prom queen, youre a loser forever.


High school = Your life.




It's true. Not being Prom Queen has scarred me for life.

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