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Things seem to be moving...

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Bit different, but definitely a great happy dance:



(watch in high def if you can)


I love this guy, what a way to bring people together...almost as sweet as, oh I don't know, sharing a neurotic need to check our emails every 3sec! :)



thank goodness I have a blackberry with filtering enabled :) At least I am not glued to the computer complusively checking things. And I just know I would be without it.


well hopefully it will be tomorrow!

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Hey everyone,


It might be possible that they aren't sending them "soon enough" this week because Dalhousie in general is having problems with its e-mailing system, especially with mass e-mails they say (see my.dal.ca and the little Updates box). I know I have been getting our student newsletters and such a few days later than I should be. So it's possible that they don't want to send them and then have problems and so may be waiting for Dal's emails to get better.


Nonetheless, I'm still anxious to hear back like everyone else.

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Can someone please clarify for me what exactly they have been doing since the start of November? I can't imagine how it would take 103 days to look at a person's MCAT score and GPA. Granted, I understand that they may have about 1000 to look through, but surely they can process more than 10 bloody applications per day :mad: .


What exactly has been going on in the admissions office these past 3 months?

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maybe reading essays and contacting verifiers could take a bit more time


I presume they have already ranked everything on our file, and after the interview, only that and the ref letters will be looked at...


Pretty sure you're right.



Its OK we are all biting our nails too.

Remember they had essays and EC's to grade. Besides, they have had this interview announcement date on the website since last summer so things are right on track.;)

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Yeah, I suppose that may take a while, but even still: Based on last year's stats when 688 people applied but only 489 were eligible, it was easy enough to cut 199 people just by looking at their MCAT or GPA, so no contacts had to be phoned. If those stats are anything like this year's, then Dal has spent about 75 minutes on each eligible applicant (assuming it's just 1 person working, and they work 6 hours per day). That seems unlikely, so I think this could have been done much more efficiently.


I dunno, I suppose it doen'st change anything. It's quite aggravating having to wait like this, though. Dalhousie doesn't seem to be on the ball with many things when it comes to this process. Those of you who went to the meat grinder last year when acceptance letters were coming out at random intervals, and no one knew when they were getting reviewed will know exactly what I'm talking about.

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wait, they will look at ALL of the applicants overall performance before they start to offer interviews, wont they?


it says:


"Saturday April 18th & Sunday April 19th, 2009 MMI Interview Weekend


April 27th, 2009: Admissions Committee resumes meetings to make admissions decisions for the Class of 2013.


May 15th, 2009: Decision letters mailed to all interviewed applicants. "



or during their decision process, if they come across one they like, they will just send them an acceptance, and just go through the list successively like that one by one and send acceptances and rejections at the same time? (i.e. people get accepted starting the 27th onwards??)

...so people on the bottom of the review process might get unlucky

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This year is different than last year, in that this year isn't a goddam zoo. The way it worked last year is the ADCOM met every Wednesday to review 'x' amount of files. If you happened to be reviewed on one of the Wednesdays that month, they sent out a decision letter about your file at the end of that month. There are a few serious problems with this:


1) Applicants are left awaiting the end of every month, with crossed fingers that they just happened to be reviewed that month. If no letter comes, it's rinse and repeat, and do the same thing in the next 30 days.


2) Some people were accepted before others had been reviewed. I don't know how the rationing worked out, but it's reasonable to conclude that excellent candidates who were reviewed in the first month were turned away because the ADCOM had met their quota for that month. Similarly, if there was a surplus of awesome candidates at the end of the process, but a bunch of acceptance letters had already been sent out, then great people were turned away.

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This year is different than last year, in that this year isn't a goddam zoo. The way it worked last year is the ADCOM met every Wednesday to review 'x' amount of files. If you happened to be reviewed on one of the Wednesdays that month, they sent out a decision letter about your file at the end of that month. There are a few serious problems with this:


1) Applicants are left awaiting the end of every month, with crossed fingers that they just happened to be reviewed that month. If no letter comes, it's rinse and repeat, and do the same thing in the next 30 days.


2) Some people were accepted before others had been reviewed. I don't know how the rationing worked out, but it's reasonable to conclude that excellent candidates who were reviewed in the first month were turned away because the ADCOM had met their quota for that month. Similarly, if there was a surplus of awesome candidates at the end of the process, but a bunch of acceptance letters had already been sent out, then great people were turned away.


You think last years and the year before was bad - I applied 3 years ago, and they sent out letters on a weekly basis, and they went til the end of june with accepted/rejected/waitlist letters. They didn't have the monthly deal, so you went every wed/thurs/fri (adcom met mondays) to the mailbox and shook down your mail carrier in case they accidentally missed your letter.


as for your #2 conjecture that isn't how it works. There is no "quota" for the month. There was, and likely still are, accept/reject/deferred, - deferred being candidates scored, but not high enough to get an acceptance, the adcom wasn't ready to make a decision and so their apps get put on a pile and re-reviewed at the end of the process once all of the files were reviewed and initial offers are set. Then they set the waitlist. The adcom offers to the candidates they consider excellent/score high enough and not the best of whats left (if your # 2 were true)


This year thankfully the wait between interview and notification is mercifully short, and early enough to get your plans in order for the coming year.

No more waiting from January post interview until late may early june for some.

Anyway, I hope we hear about these invites soon because I'm going crazy:)

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Ahh, Dr. Notyet, you're right. I forgot about the 'deferred' section. Nevertheless, acceptance letters were going out before everyone had been reviewed, which does leave room for some serious injustices. This year does seem better than the past few, but I would still make the argument that there is no reason interview invites are coming out this late, or why they couldn't at least give a definite date instead of "Week of Feb 9th".


Oh well, this will all be behind us tomorrow :P. Looking at their admissions page from last year, it seems as though all eligible maritime candidates were interviewed:


# Maritime applicants – 311


# Eligible – interviewed - 239 – 89 positions offered

# Ineligible / non-competitive – 72



Maybe all of this agony is silly, haha. So long as you're a maritimer, you have a 3.3 and you've got your 24 MCAT, you're set to go. Here's hoping at least!!

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okay so let me get this straight..


Say interview is complete, and they have your interview score all done.


Now what do they do?

1) they have a random pile of files of all the people they interviewed, and their reference letter have been places in the files


2) they pick up the first file, read the Refs, good...okay good...., now what is their over all score? Is it high enough? Yes==This person is getting accepted


3) okay now go to the next random file in that pile...same as 2... good=acceptance, not high enough total score=pile 2 for reconsideration once pile one runs out (maybe for wait list)


4) Okay say that they have gone through 140/250 interviewees' files, and they have already sent out 95 acceptances...... are the (250-140=110) people's whose files were not looked at are now automatically put in with the deferral pile:confused:

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The way it will work (I think) is as follows:


1)All applicants are evaluated before any accept/waitlist/reject decisions are made


2) While being evaluated, you get a score out of 100 based on all components of your app (you can look around this site for a breakdown, even there they're not for certain)


3) Top 95 or whatever students get invites, next 30 or whatever get waitlist, rest get rejected.



This setup is much better than last year's, because everyone is evaluated against each other, and not just the applicants who have been reviewed so far.

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oh man I hope you have that right... because only that seems like the most reasonable/unbiased way to approach the applications


Yep, which makes it strange that this is the first year this system will be implemented. Just to bring things full circle, I think this discussion has verified my feelings of Dal's admissions system to be a bloody gongshow, through and through. Maybe not as much this year as in the past, but still a zoo, nevertheless.

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