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Best five full year courses

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I know Western takes your best five full courses into account for your GPA but....


What about labs? There are a couple years in which I had more than 5.0 because of labs, and I did better in the labs than in a couple of courses. I'm guessing the best 5 rule would still apply for me. Does anyone have confirmation?



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I guess it depends on the credit value of the lab. If it's credited just like any other course you took, and that mark is higher than another course, it should be substituted for the lowest mark.


eg. if you took 5.5 credits, .5 of which was a lab, and you got a 70 in some other course worth .5, and you got a 90 in your lab course, the 70 should be excluded from the calculation and the 90 included. That's how I would assume it works anyways... a credit is a credit regardless of what kind of credit it is.

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What I guess would be more interesting is if the lab is not a full credit. For instance at waterloo the lab courses are generally worth half a credit. Now normally you have several labs in one term, particularly in first/second year when it is very likely you will have at least two or more likely three labs (ie, intro chem, phys, and bio all have separate labs and are in the same term) Together they are worth 1.5 courses. Ideally for us they would take the mean of two of them and if that is better than another lecture course use that instead.


For some stupid reason when the labs actually get harder in third year up usually the is combined with the in lecture and equal to a single credit. I always found that silly.

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Waterloo labs count as credits, just like lecture courses. If two labs (OMSAS value of 0.5 each) are higher than a lecture credit (OMSAS value of 1.0), then the lab marks will count. Western will count your top 5.0 courses (OMSAS value of 10.0), regardless of whether those marks come from labs or lectures.



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Waterloo labs count as credits, just like lecture courses. If two labs (OMSAS value of 0.5 each) are higher than a lecture credit (OMSAS value of 1.0), then the lab marks will count. Western will count your top 5.0 courses (OMSAS value of 10.0), regardless of whether those marks come from labs or lectures.




Good to know!

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