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is there a timer on the CBT?


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I'm writing the MCAT on the 30th of January.. just wondering if the digital timer is available just like on the aamc practice test


also, any suggestions for optimal timing? I did the written one back then and for that the timing was different because it was a different length etc


thanks folks

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I'm writing the MCAT on the 30th of January.. just wondering if the digital timer is available just like on the aamc practice test


also, any suggestions for optimal timing? I did the written one back then and for that the timing was different because it was a different length etc


thanks folks


There is a timer, it is just like the practice tests given by AAMC.


I found the the pacing to be something you learn with practice. I never timed it to a specific number of minutes per question etc when doing the test. I followed the general advise of doing the easier questions first, which means if I got to a section I was unclear on I moved on, then went back. Served me pretty well on the test.


Good luck! I didn't realize the slots were open that early.

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great thanks. the timer helps a lot. and on a side note... i hate verbal man :(


Seems like everyone has their own special hell reserved for them on the MCAT test. This forum is littered with post of people with great scores EXCEPT in one area. So you are not alone. Mine was the writing sample, got a 36P balanced score first time (13 PS, 12 Bio, 11 V.R.) Great except is is useless at two schools. One of my majors was selected to combat that weakness and I got a 35S the second time. Take that Queens and Western!


Anyway Best of luck!

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