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I waited from about 8:30 to 9:15 Central time (I think that's 9:30 to 10:15 ET)


For Burnaby, there were 3 listings and each one said "Find seat" next to it meaning they were available.


That's for June 18, which last year was one of the most popular sittings.


And that's using Internet Explorer. It might suck for other things but for the MCAT registration it works.

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Ugh well I canceled my meeting for 10am.... So glad I did because I'm still waiting after being on there for an hour and a half. Only worry I have is people saying they got on at 6am. I managed to get into the system at least five times this morning before 9am but each time when I hit "re-schedule" they only gave me the dates until the end of May, so I was thinking the new dates weren't up yet. But based on people getting into the news dates I'm now thinking it has to do with the fact that I can't re-schedule into the summer. ahhhhh!

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I'm in! Make sure you use Internet Explorer! I was on for an hour using Firefox, switched to IE (after reading the advice of a previous poster...thank youuu) and got a spot within 20 mins!


Lots of spots still available in London, On. Seems like almost every date and time are still open! Good luck everyone...be patient!

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I finally got in!


GUYS, do this:


Try to access the site from 2 computers. I had my laptop and desktop going and the laptop was started an hour before the desktop but the desktop got in first (after about 15min on IE).


Then log in to whatever site opens first.


Lots of dates are open (in Alberta anyway). I got my first pic (July 30th).


Good luck!!

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I got in, got my new password, tried to sign in... said there was an error!!


Now all I get is a blank screen. I'm using Safari. I hate this system.


That is EXACTLY what happened to me on my laptop, so I restarted everything on my laptop and desktop and the desktop worked. I think there were cookies or shiet on the laptop that fkked it up. So try on another comp!

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So i finally get in, click to move to the payment screen.... message appears that says something along the lines of


"bad things happen to good people... blah blah" and it kicks me out and back into the queue.


Then i finally get back to the log in screen and


"An error has occurred.


There is an issue accessing your account. You should have more success if you try again in a few minutes. You may have to try more than once and you should probably wait a few mintues between each attempt, but if you are not successful after another try or two, please feel free to contact the MCAT Resource Center for assistance: (202) 828-0690. Thanks for your patience!"



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I had a problem when I was paying...it amounted to $0. Then I had to go through the entire list to find one that actually required me to pay for $225. So, although it seems like there are many seats, the ones that actually allow you to pay aren't too many...at least not in T.O. for August 5/6.

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I had a problem when I was paying...it amounted to $0. Then I had to go through the entire list to find one that actually required me to pay for $225. So, although it seems like there are many seats, the ones that actually allow you to pay aren't too many...at least not in T.O. for August 5/6.


Weird. I clicked on a few dates/places (around July 30th) and didn't see the $0 thing.


Stupid website.

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im also stuck @ "checking system availability"


if anyone is writing in Toronto, do you guys know anything about the two bloor street locations?......how is the environment? is one any better than the other?


I wrote it in one of the Bloor locations.. 325? 425? Anyway, it was actually much smaller than what I have expected.. Although I can't compare the two b/c I didn't write in the other one.

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Does anyone know what it means when your account is unavailable?


I just recently was emailed a new password so I have been trying to use that, and I can log in but it will say my account is unavailable!


Hey, it said this for me 3 times before I finally got in, keep trying and it should let you in eventually.

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