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Rewriting with a 33S?


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Hey guys,


I wrote the MCAT this past September. I ended up with a 10 BS/11 VR/12 PS and S Writing Sample.


I graduated last April from UW electrical engineering, co-op. My extracurriculars are relatively strong, but my marks are not very high, at about an 80 avg. across my 4.5 years there. I'm planning on starting a thesis-based Master's degree this September, to help with my GPA for med school. Plus, it's gonna totally fun and awesome doing research!


Question is, should I rewrite? It's really only my BS score that bothers me. I'm taking organic chem now, so I might be able to do better this time around. I know that right now, I don't meet the MCAT cutoffs for Western. But I won't be applying until next year anyhow, so maybe they'll go down?


Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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Guest rpuff

props for getting both an S and an 11 in VR as an engineer!! (not to be stereotypical.......but Engineers at my school take their own English classes lol)


I don't know much about the Ontario schools but your score seems fine i mean having an 11 would maybe help you out a bit but you've already done really well in the two areas that kill most science students. I would hesitate to rewrite unless you were positive you could repeat that 11 and S.

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Fellow engineer, but of the chemical variety.


I definitely wouldn't rewrite. 33S is an excellent score, even when compared to matriculants to med school. In fact, Dalhousie University (the school whose admissions process I'm most familiar with) maxes out the points it gives for the MCAT at 34R, so to them a 34R is the same as a 45T.


Your score is rock solid, and your GPA is too, especialy if you're in any IP pools. I don't think you've got much to worry about.

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Good grief! Why would you possibly want to rewrite the MCAT, especially since you have a 33S. Apply, see if you get interviews and write your thesis of awesomeness.


And finally, if all else fails and you have crazy masochistic tendancies, re-write.

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Wow, rewrite with a 40S... Who was that guy kidding?


I don't know. He posted on the Kaplan forums so he COULD have been lying (but he posted for a long, long time...too long to be a troll, + seemed to know people in real life). He insisted his GPA wasn't great and he was an American trying to make up for it so he could get some scholarships to really good schools.


I'd personally kick my mother in the shins for a 40S. (but then apologize)

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Don't re-write.


I agree. 33S is above the 90th percentile and I doubt it would be the limiting factor to anyone's application. Mine is a 33Q and I teach an MCAT course now. When I wrote practice tests before the real thing my scores were all above 36. I am sure if I wrote it again with a month to study I could break 40. My 33Q is not the best indication of what I am capable of on the MCAT, but I am happy with my original score. It's good enough. If I never get accepted to medical school it will not be because of my MCAT score. Spare yourself the time and work on something else like a cool hobby or project.


I promised myself I would only write that thing once.

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Hey guys, thanks for the great responses and praise. I was pleasantly surprised with my score too. I think the only concern I had was the 10 in BS, but if you guys are saying I should be fine, I guess I'll live with it!


I live in Brampton, ON, so I'm not really in any special pools like SWOMEN. So Western's cutoff this year really threw me off, since they were looking for an 11 in BS to grant interviews.


I haven't been able to apply to any Ontario schools yet. I applied back in 2006 to McMaster, but that was when I was halfway through 3rd year, so the rejection sort of made sense.


I won't be applying to Ontario schools until September 2010, for September 2011 entry. With Mac taking the VR score now, maybe my chances will be much better after my Master's thesis.


Thanks guys!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey guys, thanks for the great responses and praise. I was pleasantly surprised with my score too. I think the only concern I had was the 10 in BS, but if you guys are saying I should be fine, I guess I'll live with it!


I live in Brampton, ON, so I'm not really in any special pools like SWOMEN. So Western's cutoff this year really threw me off, since they were looking for an 11 in BS to grant interviews.


I haven't been able to apply to any Ontario schools yet. I applied back in 2006 to McMaster, but that was when I was halfway through 3rd year, so the rejection sort of made sense.


I won't be applying to Ontario schools until September 2010, for September 2011 entry. With Mac taking the VR score now, maybe my chances will be much better after my Master's thesis.


Thanks guys!


For some strange reason, AAMC pulled these from their website, but thanks to Google you can still see them. Check out what your chances would be for each section to improve OR, more importantly, to decrease your score:











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Yeah I guess by definition someone out there got 1 and 2 etc - its a scaled test. Still doubt they were particularly serious about taking the MCAT, which is why we are unlikely to see to many of them on the forum.


Whenever I saw scores like that, it was always VR...it's quite a crapshoot.

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who, borat?



You are pain in my *******s. You not have lots of sexy time like me, that's why you a-pick on Kazakhstan.


Too-freaking funny, bg-premed-bg, you made my day with this amazing comeback! Thanks a lot! I bet he'd get something around that, if he would even manage to last through the whole test.

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