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Global medicine

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In light of a physician shortage throughout Canada, will I get burned by admission committees if I expose that my sole intention is to practice in a developing country?


Think in purely logical terms I would have to say yes. For one thing system requires a huge amount of resources to run - med school tuition etc doesn't come close to the real cost. To have those resources spent and receive not return to the system is an obvious draw back and schools are sensitive to those sorts of issues. A lot of that medical training would not be particularly relevant either for the developing world. Some schools even have a specific and obvious to recruit doctor for their area. Your goals would be in opposition to that and as such I would strongly suspect it would be held against you.


Anywhere in particular you would like to practice? I have an interest in medicine for the developing world as well (although it isn't my primary goal to pursue it).

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I guarantee you that your plans will change at least a bit in the future. That being said, just tell them the truth - you won't be penalized by describing an interest in global health or working overseas. (On the other hand, if you intend to move to the States for more money... don't tell them that. Putting the cart before the horse in any case.)

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Even if I try to avoid mentioning my intention....one could easily piece my volunteer experiences and note that my primary interest lies in africa and haiti..


Me too. I doubt that any adcom could see this in a negative light though - it shows a good diversity of experience, shows that you probably have an appreciation for different cultures and life and that you're willing to go the 'extra mile'. lol.

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