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English credit in dent

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Is there anyone from UWO who has taken english course to fulfil requirement of US schools? Its true few schools are picky in courses regarding literature and composition. I was wondering which course is best to fulfil their requirement. I am planning to take english in this summer and only children's literature course is the one that is available in class (rest r online and not only that I prefer in-class course but also I am scared how will they take online course - whether they will accept it or not). Has anyone taken this course and know if its good to fulfil their requirement? Any input will be highly appreciated.

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Just wondering, do all US schools require 1 full year credit of english?

I know the majority do, but is there any that doesn't require it?


Gosh.. i really dont want to do 8 months of english...




There are few schools where you can replace any writing course with english. I am not sure which ones they are so you have to check that.

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I took children's lit in 3rd year. HORRIBLE MISTAKE. I highly encourage that you take it online over the summer. Everyone who I have spoken to said that they did well in the sumer online course, and very few people do well in the in-class course. Not sure about summer in-class, though.

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I took children's lit in 3rd year. HORRIBLE MISTAKE. I highly encourage that you take it online over the summer. Everyone who I have spoken to said that they did well in the sumer online course, and very few people do well in the in-class course. Not sure about summer in-class, though.[/quote


Thanks eebee. Do you have any idea if schools take the online course in the same way as they take in-class course? And was it the children's lit course or if you can recommend any other course at UWO that's easier than this one. Thanks a lot once again.

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I was told that of all the english courses, children's lit is the easiest. Had I known about the online option, I would have much rather opted for that.

From what I've heard, the online course is not too different form the in-class course, but for some reason people tend to do much better in the online course.


For schools looking for an english credit (the states and such), this online course is pefectly fine to take. All of my friends who took it did so specifically for US dents applications.


Happy to help!

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I was told that of all the english courses, children's lit is the easiest. Had I known about the online option, I would have much rather opted for that.

From what I've heard, the online course is not too different form the in-class course, but for some reason people tend to do much better in the online course.


For schools looking for an english credit (the states and such), this online course is pefectly fine to take. All of my friends who took it did so specifically for US dents applications.


Happy to help!



Thanks a lot for your help.

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From what I've heard, the online course is not too different form the in-class course, but for some reason people tend to do much better in the online course.


I did online Children's Lit this year. If I had been able to, I would have taken the in-class course, but it conflicted with my thesis class (which was only offered at one time slot). In my opinion, it is a lot harder to analyze books on your own (esp when you're not in English) than to go to class, participate in the discussions, get ideas off your profs and classmates, etc. I asked the prof of my online course and she said that the class average for the final exam tended to be lower for the online courses than the in-class courses (which she also has taught) likely for that reason.


Whether you do the online or in-class version though, I would recommend Children's Lit for an English credit. Might not want to leave it until fourth year though like I did lol.. thesis + English was not the most fun.

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Yeah, I guess it's just one of those things where everyone's experience is completely different! You never know how you'll do until you try. And even then, you can never really know if you made the right choice.


Definitely true! I really enjoyed doing English this year though.. it was a really nice break from reading journal articles to curl up on the couch and read Anne of Green Gables or Matilda :D

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Hahah no we didn't.. I remember my mom trying to push that on me when I was younger :P


My biggest problem was with Tom Brown's Schooldays.. I tried so hard to like it, but the first 100 pages were all about describing the English countryside.


Finallyyy, when the book started talking about Tom Brown.. I had midterms.


Needless to say.. I never got to hear about Tom Brown's schooldays.. lol


P.S. Did anyone realize there is PM101 chat? I just clicked on FlashChat at the top and apparently there is a chatroom?? MORE excuses to procrastinate?! :eek:

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TBSD!! That was the WORST. I applaud you for actually reading it. When a book writes "this part is a little bit boring, so you can just skip through it"...you know ur in for a mess of a book. My prof even told us that it was brutal to get through. I think I read 8 or 9 pages and threw it to the side, haha.


And I noticed the chat too! I checked it out twice, but both times I was the only person in the room (surprise, surprise, haha) so I figured people probably didn't know about it.

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lol all of a sudden i feel left out for going to UofT....

how did u guys do in english classes anyways?


I remember swearing to myself that i will never take another english or physics in my life... but life is funny that way.


Hahah yeah I remember saying that after grade 12.. before I knew you needed it for dental schools lol.


English isn't bad. It's not my highest mark by any means, but I'd say it's about the middle of my mark range.. at least it doesn't pull down anything (which is what I was initially worried about). Actually, my English mark going into the final was higher than some of my science courses for my actual program lol.. go figure..


Plus it's really fun to "study English" in your bed :D

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