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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I ran into the same problem, my friends were like, "Nah, that's too boring." So now I'm going to take my Mom! Mother-daughter quality time this Fri. hehe.


The thought came to my mind, but my mom can't sit for long periods of time since she has thrombosis in her left leg. Maybe I'll wait until she gets better and then take her out.


Yea I remember what happened the last time you roped me into something like that.


It wasn't THAT bad. lol Even though, the movie was a disappointment.


Woot, I've been asked to be photographed for the UofT registration package that goes out to brainwash high school kids. They want a still of me interacting with a Toronto Zookeeper, for some reason. :confused:


Are you sure they're not brainwashing monkeys to apply to UofT Scarborough? lol :D

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Slowly making progress on the unpacking/organizing. My new desk and bookshelf are assembled and in place.


Sadly, we seem to have lost some of the parts to some of our shelving units. :( My husband and I were BOTH convinced that the extra bits were put in his toolbox for the move, but they seem to have vanished. :( Just hope they make a re-appearance as we continue to empty boxes, etc.

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Ah, being a second degree student is so much fun. I took intro first chem part 1 and organic chem part 1 as part of my first undergrad in engineering. For my second degree, I need part two of intro first year chem and part two of organic chem. Well, due to the way my schedule worked out, and the availability of classes, I'll be taking organic chem part 2 before I'm taking first year chem part 2. :P Craziness! ;)


Although I'm seriously debating dropping organic and taking it during the summer - that might be better for my GPA. But I have to see what courses might have spots opening up - if I can get some program electives or some of the courses for my minor out of the way, then doing organic in the summer would probably make the most sense.

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Woot, I've been asked to be photographed for the UofT registration package that goes out to brainwash high school kids. They want a still of me interacting with a Toronto Zookeeper, for some reason. :confused:



haha, I had to do that for a website our hospital is putting up, they realized that for a Toronto hospital, all the pics on the website were of white people with no ethnic diversity :rolleyes:


They went around the hospital finding people of all races and started taking pictures and consenting, LOL




Saw a couple of spinal orthopedic surgeries today :D

Wow, its TIRING. 5 hours of standing and observing with 25 lbs lead vests on. But it was fun, and I learned a lot. Surgery is awesome, observing over the past couple of weeks have changed my perspective on becoming a surgeon. The technology they use in ortho spine and neurosurgeries is incredible!

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Saw a couple of spinal orthopedic surgeries today

Wow, its TIRING. 5 hours of standing and observing with 25 lbs lead vests on. But it was fun, and I learned a lot. Surgery is awesome, observing over the past couple of weeks have changed my perspective on becoming a surgeon. The technology they use in ortho spine and neurosurgeries is incredible!


Very cool! :D Sounds amazing! :)


I'll never forget when I had surgery on my foot to remove a Morton's neuroma (I actually ended up having three separate pieces of thickened nerve removed). The podiatrist wanted to give me some valium or something similar to relax me, and told me not to look. I told him I wanted to watch! :D It was very cool. :cool:

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*sigh* Just got an email back from U of A. They re-evaluated my transfer credit, based on what the program chair recommended. Sadly, they only gave me credit for one first-year English course, so I still have to take one. *sigh* It's just NOT my thing. I LOVE reading - I devour books like mad, but I absolutely hate analyzing a book to death. And, of course, all the first year English courses for this year are full. But I have it set to notify me if any of them that fit my schedule have a spot open up. Oh why didn't they listen to the chair. :P

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Saw a couple of spinal orthopedic surgeries today :D

Wow, its TIRING. 5 hours of standing and observing with 25 lbs lead vests on. But it was fun, and I learned a lot. Surgery is awesome, observing over the past couple of weeks have changed my perspective on becoming a surgeon. The technology they use in ortho spine and neurosurgeries is incredible!


I second that. I just started to really dig spine research (kind of had to for work). The technology behind neurosurgeries is just getting better and better.


Btw, has anyone else seen the cover of the Italian Vogue with those pictures representing the Golf spill? I'm really liking the pictures, despite the critics.



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I'll never forget when I had surgery on my foot to remove a Morton's neuroma (I actually ended up having three separate pieces of thickened nerve removed). The podiatrist wanted to give me some valium or something similar to relax me, and told me not to look. I told him I wanted to watch! :D It was very cool. :cool:


You are brave, lol


When I was working as a PT-Assistant, a patient told me that they were awake while having their knee replaced :eek:


I second that. I just started to really dig spine research (kind of had to for work). The technology behind neurosurgeries is just getting better and better.


It is incredible.

The tech reps were really nice too, showing me how the machines worked and what they did as well as their uses. Overall, it was a great OR day




Anyone have any good recommendations for shoes to wear that are comfortable for hours at a time? I'm going back to the OR next week and would like it if my feet didn't kill me at the end of the day


I was thinking either HushPuppy slip on dress shoes (my supervisor wears these), or Crocs (which seem to be popular with clerks and residents, I guess b/c they are cheap)


Any other suggestions?

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i selected new curtains for my place. it's going to look so swanky! ;) i think my fall back option would have to be interior design. aww yeah.


you know, cos, after a long hard day in meds, i'm going to have tonnes of time to play with colour schemes. :rolleyes: lol


EDIT: now i just have to wait for the movers. Dear furniture, please, please, arrive soon.


EDIT 2: yessss!!! my stuff's arriving on the 17th! woooooo!

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i selected new curtains for my place. it's going to look so swanky! ;) i think my fall back option would have to be interior design. aww yeah.


you know, cos, after a long hard day in meds, i'm going to have tonnes of time to play with colour schemes. :rolleyes: lol


EDIT: now i just have to wait for the movers. Dear furniture, please, please, arrive soon.


EDIT 2: yessss!!! my stuff's arriving on the 17th! woooooo!


Didn't they give you a date?

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i selected new curtains for my place. it's going to look so swanky! ;) i think my fall back option would have to be interior design. aww yeah.


you know, cos, after a long hard day in meds, i'm going to have tonnes of time to play with colour schemes. :rolleyes: lol


EDIT: now i just have to wait for the movers. Dear furniture, please, please, arrive soon.


EDIT 2: yessss!!! my stuff's arriving on the 17th! woooooo!


Excellent. :) Good luck with it!

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Okay, well, there are fewer boxes in the apartment now, but still far too many. And my husband is at work today and Sunday (he's an officer in the Canadian Forces, so working weekends is not unusual). But I will putter away at all the stuff I can do myself - just can't move some of the furniture solo, so I need his help for those pieces. Of course, I have no idea where some stuff is, so I have to look in each box and see if there's anything in it that I have a spot for atm. Fun, fun, fun! Ah well, it should be all done before school starts.


Speaking of school, I think I finally have my fall and winter semesters finalized. I just need to decide if I'm going to take organic chem II this fall or take an easy elective and take the orgo next summer. Ah, decisions, decisions.


Have a great day all!

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Excellent. :) Good luck with it!


Thanks! :)

Didn't they give you a date?


Yeah, now they've finalised it for the 17th. Before they said it'd be anywhere from the 16th to the 25th. At which point I pleaded with them for earlier, as o-week begins on the 23rd.


Also, Eat, pray, love comes out today. Looking forward to it!

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Thanks! :)



Yeah, now they've finalised it for the 17th. Before they said it'd be anywhere from the 16th to the 25th. At which point I pleaded with them for earlier, as o-week begins on the 23rd.


Also, Eat, pray, love comes out today. Looking forward to it!


OIC, they told us the day of closing. Since they were specific...I EXPECT them to be there. Lol.

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OIC, they told us the day of closing. Since they were specific...I EXPECT them to be there. Lol.


I tried calling a couple of times to figure out when my movers were planning on arriving and kept getting a range of dates. I finally called and talked to a lady in dispatch who informed me that she had no idea when my stuff would arrive (to which I replied, well that's sure handy). I gave an annoying sigh and asked if I would receive a call when it's supposed to arrive and she said I'd definitely hear the day before it was coming.


No more than 5 minutes later - the doorbell rang.... it was the movers.

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