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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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It's raining Vancouver-style up here in PG today, FYI.



Today, it's raining Vancouver style in Vancouver... my coworkers light fixture is leaking water directly onto his head.


It was raining HARD today. All day.


On a more fun note we did an Amazing Race scavenger hunt today that was really fun and had us all running all over campus. The only downside was the the rain. I was soaked to the skin, and my hair is now twice it's normal size and in ringlets it is so damp here.

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Thanks to Jochi I am going to the gym regularly on her soon to expire gym pass.


I decided to do a group fitness class...the group consisted of the instructor, me, and another woman who is more fit than me. It kicked my ass, but definitely got the blood pumping. I wasn't feeling the love on the cardio machine today, so I think I made the right choice to do the class instead. If I have come to one conclusion, it is that MCAT studying is harmful to one's waist line!!!!!:mad:

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Well, your waist line is about to get a break, and the exercising certainly relieves the stress! Best wishes for the upcoming event!


Thanks f_d, i appreciate it. I am looking forward to closing this chapter of my life (forever or until January at least), but I know that my waist line will be in trouble again when I start school in September. Undergrad degrees are ALSO harmful to your waistline. :rolleyes:


How are things going with you, missy? You do seem to have a lot of free timeon your hands right now but I suspect it will change...

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To update my financial department issue, I called the office again today and spoke with the lady's boss. He only needed 10 minutes to sort everything out. When I told him "I'm not a guy in journalism" he said "Of course not. That's preposterous!" At least it's one more thing I can cross off my To-Do list.

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Seems like the more free time I think I have, the more stuff I have to do. So even though I'm not going to school this year, I'm going to make sure I have lots to do, so random little things don't appear :P.


Anyone taken any psych or philosphy courses through Athabasca University? I apparently need another psych course as well as a philosophy course if I apply to the accelerated/after-degree programs in nursing (my back-up in case I don't get into meds... the psych I get, but philosophy?) Any recommendations?


*sigh*... After being in TO by myself for 10 days and getting a taste of being on my own, I feel like a convict that managed to escape Alcatraz, swim across, reach land, only to be picked up by the coppers on shore and be put back in the cell. I need to find a job where I can make some quick cash (legally thank you very much :P) so I can "buy" my way out of "prison";)......


Either that, or I need to learn magic like David Copperfield...........


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d39onMbcP5w (Yes, I know it's cheesy, but come on, it's from the 80s.... haha)

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Best part of the conversation was when she said "Listen mister, I've been doing this job for 20 years and making your voice sound higher pitched and feminine isn't going to work with me. Use your regular voice please." So I hung up. I'll call again tomorrow since she told me that's when her boss is in the office.



To update my financial department issue, I called the office again today and spoke with the lady's boss. He only needed 10 minutes to sort everything out. When I told him "I'm not a guy in journalism" he said "Of course not. That's preposterous!" At least it's one more thing I can cross off my To-Do list.


Isn't life sweet? :D

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Isn't life sweet? :D
Yeah, I know. I told him about the lady and her "professionalism" and all he said was "Hmm, I'll look into that." Who knows if he really will, but at least I feel like someone listened to me today. Now if I can just convince my friend that I really don't need to have a Degrassi marathon with her, today would be a total success.
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Yeah, I know. I told him about the lady and her "professionalism" and all he said was "Hmm, I'll look into that." Who knows if he really will, but at least I feel like someone listened to me today. Now if I can just convince my friend that I really don't need to have a Degrassi marathon with her, today would be a total success.


C'mon, you are on a roll. :P


And I suspect, he will have a quiet word with her, simply b/c she showed lack of judgment and plain stupidity. :D And he is not there to clean up messes she creates unnecessarily. :eek:

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