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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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In grade 5, my whole class went to science world in vancouver for a field trip at the end of the year. At the end of the day, our teacher told us to take the skytrain/seabus home to North Vancouver.

Of course none of us had ever done it, being little sheltered NorthShore kids, and some of us didn't even have money. And it was rush hour. I don't remember how we got home but we must have!


The teacher was fired. :/

Wow. I wonder what the teacher was thinking when they said that. "Oh, I'm sure they'll get home safe and not end up in the downtown eastside."
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Did the teacher get a job driving the bus in North Bay, lol?




I have no idea what he was thinking. He also gave himself insulin injections in front of us (he was diabetic). And he brought up the subject of euthanasia (this was about 1990?) and presented it in such a way that I agreed with it at the time. My hyper-religious parents were not pleased with that.

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45 minutes standing outside and the bus did not come for my daughter. Brought her to school ourselves...they will be sending her home on the bus--let's see if the bus driver is awake enough to actually stop on the way back.


Poor parents! This is difficult for the parents who are working, etc. and need to make it home in time. The right bus arrived and the guy said "she's not here" --but she was, she suddenly appeared at his side. Lol. Sneaky. But he said the office gave everyone the wrong times...we were supposed to be out waiting an hour earlier than what we were told! Holy crap!


That really sucks! I can't believe that they were THAT disorganized! You'd think people would have the brains to make sure everything was right BEFORE the first day of school:rolleyes: Hopefully tommorow will be a better experience for her! Did she enjoy her first day of Kindergarten at least?

:eek: An hour earlier! How long of a bus ride will it be for her then?!


Last week one of the drivers for a french school got lost and took a round about trip through Gatineau Park, which added 1 hour to the ride home. The bus was full of little kids (ages ~4 to 7) who had no clue where they were. And the radio thing on the bus was broken so the driver couldn't talk to his dispatch or something. Poor kids.


Apparently a lot of school boards are having trouble communicating- apparently my cousin's bus was more than an hour late getting to their house today- and no one phoned the parents to let them know everything was ok! My auntie was so worried! You'd think that would be something you plan/get in order before. An hour late is a pretty big deal. It's not just 5 or 10 minutes of regular traffic. Someone should have phoned.


In grade 5, my whole class went to science world in vancouver for a field trip at the end of the year. At the end of the day, our teacher told us to take the skytrain/seabus home to North Vancouver.

Of course none of us had ever done it, being little sheltered NorthShore kids, and some of us didn't even have money. And it was rush hour. I don't remember how we got home but we must have!


The teacher was fired. :/


Wow! That's crazy! I can't believe that was even allowed to go through the "field trip" process in the first place! Usually there needs to be a set transportation to AND from whereever it is they're going. And at grade 5 riding the bus back home alone?!?! Crazy. If I were a parent I would have had that teacher's (and the higher-ups' for that matter) head on a platter!




First day back at skating today for Fall/Winter. First day of Canskate too. Went pretty good. A lot of them couldn't even really stand on their skates, let alone skate, so I spent a lot of time on the ice today helping them *try* to stand up and take a few steps! I felt sorry for the one poor kid... he cried the entire time. That usually happens on the first day with the little ones though. Hopefully it gets better as the weeks go on! I did manage to coax him to stand up/take a few steps at one point, so hopefully we'll build on that for next week (with a few less tears I hope!).


Today was such a bad day for skating for me though- I think I spent more time on my butt acting as the Human Zamboni than I did actually landing/doing stuff. Even the stuff I ALWAYS land/do well was really quite crap today. Hopefully tomorrow goes better!

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In grade 5, my whole class went to science world in vancouver for a field trip at the end of the year. At the end of the day, our teacher told us to take the skytrain/seabus home to North Vancouver.

Of course none of us had ever done it, being little sheltered NorthShore kids, and some of us didn't even have money. And it was rush hour. I don't remember how we got home but we must have!


The teacher was fired. :/


:eek: I can't believe this! And lol at "seabus." It sounds so weird.

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Spent the whole day at Waterloo yesterday. The most convenient thing ever - all classes in one building.... my lab in the same building. AWESOME! Student centre right beside my building. Gym very close to it. My bus from home stops right in front of the building. LMAO. Tennis courts 10 minutes away. This is awesome. People are nice, helpful and funny too! So it's a plus.


Looking forward to next week. :D

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'the law' and i are in the same class, completely by coincidence, and we were talking to each other because we were in the same group/sitting nearby, and the more he talked the more freaked out i got because i was like "wow, this guy sounds like someone i know!" and finally it hit me and i asked if he was "the law" hahahahah and sure enough he was! :P


this officially has to be the best premed101 story/coincidence, ever. :D lol


dream on, dreamer

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'the law' and i are in the same class, completely by coincidence, and we were talking to each other because we were in the same group/sitting nearby, and the more he talked the more freaked out i got because i was like "wow, this guy sounds like someone i know!" and finally it hit me and i asked if he was "the law" hahahahah and sure enough he was! :P


this officially has to be the best premed101 story/coincidence, ever. :D lol


Yeah, sorry to burst your bubble but Law is actually a girl.

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They saw The Law lives outside the Net, and inputs games for pleasure. No one knows for sure, but I intend to find out.




WARNING: Incoming game. WARNING: Incoming game. :D



I loved that show as a kid... actually, if it was on now, I'd probably still watch it:rolleyes:



Working on my Canskate coach homework right now (from the course I took in August). It's not really that hard, but man is it ever long and boring! 31 pages of questions to answer and stuff to fill in... it's a good thing a lot of the answers are literally word for word in the manual itself (and also a good thing that our course coordinator gave us the page numbers of the answers that are actually in the manual). This is taking a lot longer than I thought it would... I was thinking I'd be done before the beginning of September... now my goal is to have it done before the end of the weekend so I can mail it off on Monday. Hopefully.

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I've been trying to contact bc student loans all bloody day... I have called 20 times and each time it says the user is busy. I got through this morning and the girl on the other end couldn't hear what I was saying and disconnected the call- this was after sitting on hold for about 10 minutes... just bogus


Talk about ironic- I used to work in a call centre and would have the same issues... except I'd be the one disconnecting the call...

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